05 May 2008

Stanley Cup Playoffs - Conference Finals

First off, it is the Campbell Conference, not Western Conference...and Wales Conference, not Eastern Conference. Also, it took me years to figure out the division separations (Pacific, Northwest, Central, Northeast, Southeast, Atlantic) being used to the old, and better, Smythe, Norris, Adams, Patrick. Why does the NHL need to regionalize the division names? Is it so it is more marketable for the US market? Half the people in the US cannot even find the US on the map...you think they know what north, east, west and south are?

Anyway, San Jose is out! Awesome! I can pretty much end this post right here. But, i am gong to do my stupid predictions. Same rules apply as in Round 1 and 2. Here goes:

Competing for the Prince of Wales Trophy...or for you idiots out there, the Eastern Conference.

(2) Pittsburgh vs. (6) Philadelphia - This one is obvious, the winner of the Pennsylvania State Championships will be....Pittsburgh. Why? Simply, they are the better team...but really, everything is about marketing and the NHL is no exception. With Sidney Crosby the poster boy of the NHL, the Next One, the Phenom, Sid the Kid....there is a lot of money invested in the success of number 87. For the record, I like the guy, I think he is a great choice for the NHL to have as a spokesperson. I also think Jarome Iginla would be a better choice, because he is simply the best player in the NHL (regardless of stats and achievements..because I said so), but Sidney is a good second choice.

How many games you ask? I say six. Since this is just a state championship, travel time and home ice will not matter too much. Penguins went four games against Ottawa, five against New York...this time it should be six. Flyers went seven against Washington, five against Montreal...again time for a six game series. Also, look for the P of Orange, yeah, I thought of that on my own.

For the Clarence S. Campbell Bowl or Western Conference, whatever.

(1) Detroit vs. (5) Dallas - So we got P vs. P in the east, and D vs. D on the west. This on is way more obvious that the other conference...it is going to be Detroit...but I am the crazy one, so i am going with Dallas. Why? The Stars beat the defending champs, not like that really makes any difference here. But, what really matters is they beat San Jose and that alone should give you a pass into the next round. I wish the Sharks could have lost at home, but due to some crappy officiating and goal judging...NHL conspiracy...two goals by Brenden Morrow were disallowed and Dallas lost in OT. Notice I did not say 'Sharks won'. Justice was served as Dallas won at home last night in the fourth overtime. I wish I could have seen the Sharks faces as Brenden Morrow scored that power play goal. Awesome!

What, how many? Eh, I am going with six on this one, too. Dallas won both their series in six games, 666 will take them to the Holy Grail. Off the record, the Red Wings will take it in five. But, do we really need Detroit to win another cup? No, so Dallas it is.

Remember, I could be right in these predictions...but I am usually wrong.

1 comment:

  1. not only do the updated division names suck, they don't make sense.

    minnesota in the NW ?
    dallas in the PACIFIC ?
    washington in the SE ?

    that's all. now back to googling dion & elisha.
