29 January 2010

Post #200

I guess a milestone is reached with my 200th post.

As you noticed, or not, my last few posts have been about the DeLorean. Today not only marks the day of 200 blog entries...it also marks the day I became a DeLorean owner. There are still a few things that need to be fixed, I should be picking it up and bringing the car home next week.

Hopefully, this puts an end to the Flames' losing streak. Yeah, I know that a DMC-12 has nothing to do with hockey. But, how can I not mention the nine game winless streak going into tomorrow's game against the Oilers. Will they close out January with a ten game winless streak? Sometimes it sucks being a sports fan.

Speaking of DeLoreans, the Hot Wheels version I did is doing very well. You know, sales and popularity, and all that stuff. At least that is what they tell me. Also out in stores, is my other 'design', the Ghostbusters Ecto-1. So, go look for that...if you are into that kinda thing.

Oh, one more thing. My DeLorean was used in a shoot for an upcoming movie. So yeah, I just bought a movie prop.

1 comment:

  1. if you seriously bought a delorean i'm seriously coming to visit.

    that's too fucking rad, dude.
