22 June 2010

Theoren Fleury...The Play

Thanks to mikeH at hit the post for this info.

Apparently, there is a play in the works about the life of Theoren Fleury.

Alberta Theatre Projects is in the early stages of developing Don't Quit Before the Miracle.

The play was written by Kristie McLellan Day, who worked with Fleury on his autobiography Playing With Fire.

Like Mike said, I may have to make a trip up to Calgary just to see the play. Better yet, I should try to make it up for the Heritage Classic at McMahon Stadium.

Thanks again, Mike...for the link, and being one of three people that read my lame blog.


  1. Hey, you know when I saw that little Theo tidbit I had to send it over.

    Although the Heritage Classic might be a good excuse for a Calgary trip, February can be horrendously cold. No guarantees, but if I were you, I'd try for early October or late April for an opportunity to actually get out and see our city during the hockey season.

    Let's hope Darryl doesn't continue to f*ck our team (unlikely) and you have a good summer cruising the coast in your stainless steel chariot (very likely).

  2. you KNOW you have a place to crash... ;) anyhow. i also wanted to tell you that my roommate got me your delorean hotwheels. it's rad. i also took a pretty seriously cool pic of it that's got messed perspective. i thought you'd enjoy:

