20 January 2011

I Am Featured In Another Magazine

I stopped by DeLorean Motor Company in Garden Grove, today.  Picked up the latest issue of DeLoreans Magazine.  There is a six page spread on the Hot Wheels DeLorean, technically written by me.  The article talks about how I made the DeLorean and brought it into the line.  If you were one of the few that read the post I wrote about the Hot Wheels DeLorean, about a year ago, that was pretty much the article.  I took that post down when DMC wanted to use it for their magazine.  Now, it is out.

If you want, you can get a copy of the magazine from your local DeLorean Motor Company or at delorean.com.  I have a copy, too, if you just want to check it out. 

DeLoreans Magazine Volume 5, Number 2.

1 comment:

  1. Hey awildermode,

    Theo Fleury is hosting "The Current" on CBC radio tomorrow:

    The Current - CBC

    Probably not a big issue if you miss it live, everything goes to podcast eventually.
