02 March 2011


This is getting ridiculous.  But, it is good material for this blog.  I am changing the format a bit to make it easier for me...not like you read it anyways.

2 March 2011
   512-97 Another text. There was a number to call, so I fucking called.  888-454-3944  Feel free to call these people and harass them.  After all...they drew first blood, not me.  Yeah, that was from First Blood.

7 March 2011
   978-570-2446 MA, USA  "Ben" wanted to sell me a home security system.  I told him I rented, in a shitty Asian accent, he hung up.

12 March 2011
   876-898-7858  Jamaica    Really, Jamaica?  How could this possibly be a scam?
   512-97  Text  Oh, another number to for everyone to call 866-499-0928, should I do it?  Did some research, apparently you can email them here support@l1sms.com Time to fill their inbox.

17 March 2011
   917-793-5694  NY, USA  Kathy at some loan consolidation wants me to call her...I mean a recording of someone named Kathy want me to call her at 800-706-6208.  You know, since I have been pre-approved and all.

18 March 2011
   701-625-5444  Martin, ND

23 March 2011
   701-625-5444  Martin, ND  Yeah, same number as above.  Trying to sell home security system.  Wants home owners to help test out their system.

26 March 2011
   818-501-8574  Los Angeles Area  Could be a wrong number, did not leave a message.  That means it was a terrorist  telemarketer.

28 March 2011
   407-545-6413  FL, USA

31 March 2011
   843-743-6848  Charleston, SC
   602-910-5194  Phoenix, AZ  Just could not wait until April to call again.  Well, fuck you!

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