03 June 2011


Well, looks like the rapture did not happen for these sinners either.

3 June 2011
   480-719-7437  AZ, USA  These guys have called before.  Apparently, a cruise scam.  I wish it was Tom Cruise...I love Tom Cruise.  Maybe in Mission: Impossible 5, Ethan Hunt can take down the telemarketers. I would go see that.  I pretty much will see anything with Tom Cruise.

13 June 2011
   407-545-6413  FL, USA  Wait, what happened to Martin, ND?  They were so close to the record. Ah, but these guys have called before.  This is their fourth time.  Took a long break, with their last call in late March.  Keep it up guys.  You fucking suck big donkey balls.

15 June 2011
   404-891-5505  GA, USA  First time caller, long time terrorists.  I have received multiple calls from the 404 area code, all with 891 prefix.

17 June 2011
   323-334-5715  Los Angeles  Oh, you mother fucker.  This was a text spam that cost me twenty cents.   

21 June 2011
   517-937-2044  MI, USA  I looked this number up on google, and found this: 
Unfortunately while this number is a private cell phone, there is a company using this as their caller ID number when they call.  I hold this number and have been getting people calling back to see why this number was on their caller ID.  My cell phone provider cannot do anything so any help identifying the culprit would be greatly appreciated.  If this company calls you and you have a name please post so that I can finally get this resolved.  Any help out there would be appreciated.  Thank you
So, they are hacking private numbers.  Tell me, with a straight face...looking me in the eyes, and tell me...that this is NOT terrorism.  These fuckers are terrorists.
22 June 2011
   775-400-9774 NV, USA  Another twenty cents the terrorists owe me, this was via text. Apparently, I won a $100 gift certificate...all I have to do is call 855-257-4989 and redeem it with a code.  How can this possibly be a scam?  Screw the $100, you owe me twenty cents.

24 June 2011
   801-432-2126  UT, USA  At least this was not a text.  Regardless, fuck you!

29 June 2011
   917-739-5694  NY, USA  These fuckhead have called twice before from this number.  Actually left a message, same pre-recorded message as before.  They did leave a number, just in case you want to consolidate some credit card thing.  Whatever.  Give them a call and if you want, 800-706-6208.

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