05 July 2011


Terrorists never rest.  Proof is in the first call for July.

4 July 2011
   415-497-0903  San Francisco, CA  Really, on a national holiday?  On a day that the United States celebrates their independence, the nation is busy with fireworks, barbeques, beaches, traveling, etc.  Obviously, the Homeland Security let their guard down for this day of celebration. This is when they attack.  Not just any attack, a text attack.

13 July 2011
   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  Oh, been about seven months since they have called...and the same exact thing happened.  I ignored it, and posted about it here.  This is just one more result for Google to lead people here when they search telemarketer numbers.  FUCK YOU!

   906-87  MI, USA  Guessing the area code is 906.  Incomplete number...and a fucking text.  Will not even bother to read the damn thing.  One of these days I am going to calculate the percentage of texts from people I know, versus the ones I get from terrorists.  I have a feeling the terrorists have won.

14 July 2011
   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  Hey, two days in a row.  I missed the call, but they called at almost at the same time, just 10 minutes earlier than yesterday.  Yeah, but can they make it three days in a row?

15 July 2011
   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  Three days in a row.  A few hours earlier than the previous days, looks like the AI is learning.  Still, it is not when you call, it is who is calling.  We do not negotiate with terrorists.

   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK    Not only did they call three days in a row, but twice in one day.  For those keeping track, this is the fifth time total and fourth time in three days.  

19 July 2011
   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  Yeah, so...FUCK YOU!  On the bright side, this is call number six from this number.  The record is eight.  I do not want to jinx it, but I think these terrorists can break the record by the end of the month.  This was a morning call.

   480-718-8071 Phoenix, AZ   Call came in the evening.   These are not normal business hours, terrorist work around the clock.  Are there no limits?  Should I expect a call in the middle of the night?  Why is there not a law against this.

28 July 2011
   918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  The seventh time, closing in on the record.  Only three days left in the month, can they break the record before then?

29 July 2011
  918-442-0729  Tulsa, OK  The record is tied!  i just received my eighth call from this number.  So proud of them, their next attack will break the record.

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