08 November 2011


Starting out the month with a text.  I really hate texts, they cost me time and money.  Twenty cents is not a lot of money, but I am cheap.  Again, all calls are to my mobile phone...which I have been told is ILLEGAL.  Five calls and a bonus text in one day.  That is not a record, but it still bugs the shit out of me.  Fuck these people.

3 November 2011
   323-337-4657  Los Angeles, CA  On occasio, I get these "hey, do ya need some money?" kinda texts.  Here is an idea.  You save me the money by not texting me...and save yourself the time by not texting me.  Two birds with one stone.  Win/win...and you can go fuck yourself.

4 November 2011
   425-390-8126  Renton, WA  Clearly, Washington state is the new hub for telemarketers.  The wet climate is a drastic change from the Middle East desert for these terrorist.  

8 November 2011
   877-243-5604  Unknown  Oh, and unknown number.  I googled the number and it came up as possible telemarketer.  Better be safe, protect our country from terrorists and report to Do Not Call Registry.  We must keep up the fight. 

10 November 2011
   425-390-8126  Renton, WA  Second call from this number.

   425-390-8101  Renton, WA  Well what do we have here?  Eightteen minutes after the first call from a Renton number, I get this one.  What the fuck?  Both number will be reported...and nothing will happen, except more calls from Renton.

   425-390-8126  Renton, WA  Another call from Renton.  Should be getting another one in a few hours.

   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  I have had six previous calls from Kent, WA (253-246-8553).  This is frist time from this number.  According to Google Maps, Kent is about 7.5 miles south of Renton.  One nuke should take care of that.
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Well...hello, again...and fuck you.

   252-733-0084  Norfolk, NC   This one comes via text.  Again, that is twenty cents someone owes me.  Feel free to nuke North Carolina, too.

11 November 2011
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Really?  On Veteran's Day?  Have you no respect for the men and women who served your country?  Oh, I forgot...you people are fucking terrorists.  The day they end all telemarketing calls will be a National Holiday.

19 November 2011
   Unknown  Not only is it an unknown number, the call was made at 2:24AM.  Who calls people at two thirty in the morning ?  Terrorists, that is who. 

21 November 2011
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Fourth call from this number.  If you are in or near Kent, Washington, go ahead and hunt these guys down.  I am sure Homeland Security will reward you for your efforts in bringing down terrorism.

   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Second call today.  Someone near Kent, Washington needs to layeth the the smackdown on these terrorists.

   626-384-0835   Gardena, CA  Another one via text...so, someone owes me twenty cents.  Ah, but I am in luck.  According to the text, I can get cash from these guys. 
Youre approved to get $1500 to pay your bills today!  Its easy and quick, goto http://www.cashfastsafe.com/ to getcash now, approved# 0.7469447
Think I can get my twenty cents back?  Notice the use of contractions and lack of apostrophes, and no space between some words. Fail.

22 November 2011
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Call coming in at 8AM.  Good morning, and FUCK OFF!

23 November 2011
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA  Seven calls from these fuckers.  FUCK YOU!

24 November 2011
   410-000-001  Unknown  Ah, incomplete number.  It can only mean one thing, a text message. According to Google, the 410 area code is from Easter Maryland.
FRM: Jules.Q.Cooper@iphone5testnkeep.com
MSG: Congrats! You were picked to Test & Keep the iPhone5-Beta, Confirm http://www.iphone5testnkeep.com
Feel free to to email Jules with goatse photos, gonna take a wild guess that their sight is filled with more viruses than a New Orleans hooker during Mardi Gras.

25 November 2011
   425-390-8134  Renton, WA  New number from Renton.  Same group of assholes, just different extension.  I wonder it is the same person that is assigned to my number and he/she works in both Kent and Renton.

28 November 2011
   253-246-8599  Kent, WA  Another new number from Kent, WA.   Notice the same area code and prefix...just different extension.  If pattern repeats, and it will, I will get about 5-7 calls from this number in the next two weeks.  Then, a new number will be issued to harrass me.  FUCK YOU!

30 November 2011
   253-246-8515  Kent, WA   Had to sneak in another on before the end of the month.  This is call number eight from this number.  I forget what the record was, I think it was ten.  Nice to see this number coming back.  I thought for sure it had been retired since I got another call from Kent.  I wonder if they actually retire numbers...do they hang them up in the rafters in Kent?  Go fuck yourselves.

   360-529-6175  WA, USA  Oh, just a generic Washington number?  Guess what...the area code also covers Renton and Kent, Washington.  There needs to be a few more Starbucks opened in Renton and Kent so people can have respectable jobs.  No one, and I mean NO ONE respects a fucking telemarkter.  Telemarketers bring nothing to the table, society is better off without them.

   360-529-6175  WA, USA  What a bunch of fucking assholes.  Second call from this number.


  1. Good old 253-246-8515 .... they call me at least twice daily, I would love to help you coordinate the carpet bombing of Kent WA, know any rogue fighter pilots?

  2. That must have been really annoying! Been there, too. It used to stress me a lot. And you're right! It cost time and money. However small the amount may be, I still don't want my money wasted on something I don't use and I don't want. I've reported each and every telemarketing phone number at http://www.callercenter.com as a scammer so everybody else would block their phone number. Hope that makes them realize how offending they are.

  3. The proud owner of 253-246-8515 is:
    PAUL MITCHELL Inquire Now
    13035 GATEWAY DRIVE, SUITE 119
    SEATTLE, Washington 98168, USA
    Tel: 206-242-1400
    Fax: 206-242-1620

  4. I am extremely annoyed by this issue. This number calls 3 times day, seven days a week at random times. It's always a recording. Number is: 253-246-8515 from KENT, WA.
    I am not a hateful person, but I hate this guys. How can I stop this calls.
