06 February 2012

Verizon Is Pissing Me Off

In general, Verizon has been great.  But, when they suck, they suck.

Yesterday, I was on the phone with customer service for a little over forty minutes.  My internet was down for no reason.  Actually, it still is down.  yeah, I know there are bigger problems that one should worry about, but I love to bitch about things...and why do you care?  Not like anyone reads this anyway.

So, I call and go through automated hoops.  They think that the 'speak into the phone' feature is better than pushing a number.  Well, let me tell you I much rather punch a number on my phone than speak and have a stupid computer tell me "I did not get that, could you repeat or press one for..."  Yeah, how about just have me press the damn number.  If you are not going to have a human speak to me, then just let me press numbers on my key pad.  Human to human, machine to machine...that is how it works.

After about 5-10 minutes, I get transferred to (one would assume) India.  Now, I understand the reason for outsourcing...this is the part where I sound like a racist prick...but, please have someone that has a better grasp of the language before they are allowed to speak to customers.  Hey, it is the same thing it they were in another region of the world speaking an entirely different language.  You need to be able to communicate with the person on the other line.  Oh wait, this thought just popped into my mind.  Verizon is a communications company...maybe you should have people that can communicate with your customers.  No fault on the employees, I blame the company.  I have to say that the person on the other end was as helpful as she can be.  She was unable to solve my problem, so i was transferred again to another department.

This time I get someone from the US.  Good news, bad news.  So, I pay about forty to fifty dollars a month or my internet service.  I have to call customer service every few months for littel problems like this.   Each phone call averages about thirty minutes, the best part is it usually gets fixed.  The bad part, I have to call again in a few weeks.  Slight tangent, last year, I had to call Verizon four times in a span of two months to get stuff working.  Like I said, I am already paying for the service...constanly paying for the service.  Not like I bought something a year ago and the warranty goes out.  I am constantly playing for a 'new' service every month.  This leads to the next paragraph.

How do we fix this problem?  Well according to this department, I have to be a premium customer.  For another $14.99 a month, I would have the service, 24/7/365, of basically tech support.  Wait, so I have to pay extra for something I am already paying for?  Before, I would call and state my problem, I jump through hoops for about 20 minutes, and they punch some buttons, flip a switch and I am go to go.  Now, they want extra money every month so I can call them when a problem arrises...then they fix it?

That extra $14.99 is just for the tech support.  Not like I get faster service or better connection, just to have someone I can call so they can fix it.  Kinda like the way it should be but without the extra fee.  I am already paying a monthly fee.  Yeah, obviously they changed their policy.  So, what is to stop them from flipping a switch for non-premium customers every few months just so they can get people to subscribe to their premium service?

Oh, it gets better.  I have the option to just pay a $39.99 one time fee for the same service.  Basically, instead of the monthly $14.99 where I get it 24/7/365, I pay the $39.99 and they fix it just this one time.  By the way, it is a leap year, so would it be extra for 24/7/366?  Oh wait, there is more.  Apparently, the problem is, there is a virus in my router.  Is that even possible? 

I am looking into Time Warner and dropping Verizon.  Can you hear me now, bitch?

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