15 March 2012


Wow, last month was exciting!  We had the fuckers in Astoria break the twenty mark, that is amazing.  But, what is in store this month?  Well, let us get right to it.

6 March 2012
   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR   Twenty-one.  Can you believe it?  It took a few days into the month, but these fuckers are getting back on track.  Last month alone they made ten calls to me...and it was a short month.  I do not want to jinx it but I think they can reach the thirty mark before this time next month.  So, at what point does it become harassment?

8 March 2012
   385-468-4668  UT, USA  Listed as unknown, but did a little search on my "Telemarketing Confirmation Network"...or Google, showed that it came from somewhere in Utah.  Did they really think that having 'unknown' as their location would get me to answer the phone?  Hello, it is unknown.  I was taught to "never talk to strangers"...unknown means stranger.  Heck, I do not even talk to people I know.  So, fuck you!

10 March 2012
   503-457-1085  Tillamook, OR  Second call from Tillamook, but different number.  Oh, like you were going to fool me a different number...on a Saturday.  Hello, you are calling from a city called Tillamook.  That alone sounds like a fake name. 

13 March 2012
   323-927-2307  Los Angeles, CA  I kinda get excited when I get a number I do not recognize.  But then again, I miss the return callers.  Again, smart to change up the numbers and smart to call every other day, or so.  I may go as far to say that it was a good move to call at seven in the evening...making me think it is a legitimate call.  For your efforts, I invite you to go fuck yourself.

15 March 2012
   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  Twenty-two!  So, the strategy for Astoria is to lay low the first half of the month, then strike hard and often at then end of the month.  Looks like they can make it to thirty this month. 

16 March 2012
   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  And so it begins, the onslaught of calls until the end of the month.  My theory is, they need to meet quota.  Knowing that half the month is over, they need to step up and continually harass me until they get to thirty calls.  Only seven more to go before the end of the month.   Should be no problem for these fuckwads.

   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  Twenty-four.  I know have as many calls from Astoria as the Montreal Canadiens has Stanley Cups. 

19 March 2012
   503-457-1231  Tillamook, OR  Dear Tillamook.  If you want the record, you need to do what Astoria does and keep harassing me with the same number.  What a bunch of fucking losers.  Even for a telemarketer you are fucking dumb.

   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  This is exactly what I mean.  Consistency!  That makes twenty-five, a quarter away from one hundred.

   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  Wow!  Hey, Tellamook.  Are you taking notes.  Twenty-six calls, one for each letter in the alphabet.  6-21-3-11 25-15-21.  Decode that with your Ovaltine decoder ring.

20 March 2012
   612-222-7091  MN, USA  Just two words.  FUCK OFF!

   503-468-5227  Astoria, OR  Twenty-seven is a cube number.  You know square numbers, right?  Well, this is a cube number.  Three cubed is twenty-seven.  That would be twenty-seven ways to say, fuck you!

21 March 2012
   612-222-7091  MN, USA  Same two words as yesterday.  FUCK OFF!

   612-222-7091  MN, USA  Wait a minute, I think we have contender.  Three call in two days, so far.  You have a ways to catch up to Astoria.  By the way, FUCK OFF!

Last three days of harassment.
22 March 2012
   360-529-6156  WA, USA  While this the fourth time I have received a call from this number, I have received many from the 360-529-XXXX.  Surely any government agency can trace and track these sets of numbers and do something about it.  You know, put a stop to this bullshit.  If only there was some sort of Do Not Call Registry. 

   612-222-7091  MN, USA  Wow, stepping up with their fourth call in three days.  Hey Astoria, whatcha gonna do about it.  You gonna let Minnesota punk you like that?  Bitch?

   360-529-6156  WA, USA  Make that five calls, and two in one day.  One has to wonder where Astoria is at this moment.

   773-321-2120   IL, USA  Something about Illinois that compels them to call me at 7:55PM...which is, oh...fucking 10:55PM over there.  Who the fuck calls people at 11PM?  Fucking terrorists, that is who.

23 March 2012
   612-222-7091  MN, USA  Good pace.  By this time next month, you should have the record.  It is a long ride, buddy.  Astoria has quite the head start, they have been fucking themselves since December of 2011.  Good luck, and fuck off.

24 March 2012
   612-222-7091  MN, USA   Well, shit.  If you are going to call on the fucking weekends, at 9:30 in the morning, then for sure you have a chance to get the record.  Call number six, only twenty-one more to tie Astoria. 

26 March 2012
   971-220-1183  Gresham, OR  Different number, same prefix...and same bunch of terrorists

27 March 2012
   303-249-9700  Denver, CO  Denver, the mile high city.  Tell you what...join the mile high club, and go fuck yourself!

28 March 2012
   303-249-9700  Denver, CO  I was hoping that the pussies from Astoria would break thirty already.  Instead, we have this frozen nads from Denver with their second call. 

31 March 2012
   415-627-8613  San Francisco, CA  Another text message, this time a chance to win a $1000 gift card.  You owe me 20 cents for the text.  Take the remaining $999.80 and shove it up your ass.  Did I mention that this was a text message that came in at 7:37 on a Saturday morning?  Fuck you!

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