12 October 2013

NikeFuel Points Issue Resolved

I have been using my Nike FuelBand since the day I got it, about 81 days.  While I do not expect everything to be perfect, I did run into an issue that should not have happened.  Although I clearly achieved my FuelPoints for a certain day, I was not given credit for that day.  Minor issue, no big deal, I know.  But, I earned my points and should get credit for it.

Unable to sync to Nike due to maintenance
As I have mentioned, you can sync your data at the Nike+ site or via the Nike FuelBand App on your iOS device.  Nike does a great job of maintaining their Nike+ site, as they are constantly updating it...like every two days. 

Follow @NikeSupport for updates on the updates
Unfortunately, this means the site is down for a few hours and you are unable to do any updates.  I have since learned that you can still sync the data on your FuelBand to your iOS device, just not to your account until the site is back up.  I had syncing problems a few months back because of the maintenance and lost credit for that day.

A few nights ago, I went to sync and I was encountered by the warning bar of death.  Site was down.  I had not synced up for about two weeks.  I am doing some testing on battery life and memory capacity.  Good news, battery can last over a week as I have yet to see the 'low battery' display on the FuelBand.  Memory can last well over two weeks as I have yet to see the 'low memory' display.  Bad news, I might lose any unsynced data, like before.  That would be two weeks of FuelPoints, gone...puff, like Kaiser Soze.

In a panic, I did what everyone does, I went to Google.  I found that Nike had a great customer support team on Twitter, @NikeSupport.  They let you know when Nike+ is in its maintenance state...like how a bear will be in hibernation state.  If you have a Nike FuelBand and a Twitter account, I highly recommend following @NikeSupport.

Quick response from Nike Support via Twitter

I noticed that Nike Support was quick to responding to others with problems and answered a lot of concerned tweets.  I expressed concern of losing my data, and they wrote back within a few hours.  Given the amount of responses a major company would get, I was impressed.  Why not have them fix the problem with my account?

Excellent costumer support from Nike
I stated my problem, at first there was a little miscommunication, as I am sure they are busy.  They respond within minutes to questions and comments.  Within a few hours, they fixed my account.  I got the "We made an adjustment to your account", tweet at 7AM on a Saturday.  A Saturday...at 7AM!  I was barely up, just checking my social media...I know bad habit...and I get this tweet.  Seven AM, this means they were there working on my account before the sun was up...on a Saturday.  That is above and beyond customer service.

Thank you Nike for fixing my first world problem.

Update:  Just got this tweet as a follow up.


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