05 February 2014

Retribution High, by Bob Gale

Bob Gale's new short story deals with bullies in non-traditional way.

Retribution High, by Bob Gale
The writer/producer of the Back to the Future trilogies, Bob Gale, takes us back to your high school day.  Well, unless you are in high school now...and if you have not been to high school yet.  Either way, Bob Gale's tale is a fascinating look into social conflict.  We seem to be affected by bullies, whether you are in school or at a work place, the groups are interchangeable.

There are two versions of this book, a standard (green) version and explicit (red) version.  The explicit version holds nothing back.  I am not sure how the author toned it down for the 'standard' version.  It seems that you would miss out on some of the details in the standard version.  Given the choice, get the explicit version.

I enjoyed the story, even to the point where I 'could not put the book down' and staying up until 2AM to finish the book.  The story starts out with a slow build.  The first few chapters took me a few days to read.  Once you get to Chapter 8, the story picks up really fast and you will be up until the late hours reading to see what happens.  Sure, I am a slow reader, the average person could finish this in a few hours...about the length of a full-length feature.

The story revolves around two 'low life' high school students who are bullied by a group of 'better off' students.  One day, they pray for help.  Little do they know that help comes from different sources.  As the tag line of the book suggests, "Sometimes God answers prayers, and sometimes the devil does".

Both versions of the book are available at Amazon in print and Kindle.  You can even sample the first two chapters, just enough to get you hooked in.  You can find more information on the book and Bob Gale on the official website.

I would love to see the big screen version of this some day.  Hey, maybe my good friend Bob Gale will cast me as an extra in the movie.

1 comment:

  1. What's unusual to me is that in my high school it was usually the low life's bullying the better-off students. One of my bullies really made something of himself. Perhaps the worst one, a very popular guy, was killed in a boating accident a few years ago. No comment.
