DeLorean Car Show 2014 |
Saturday, 14 June 2014
It is car show day, this is what the event is all about. The official count was 159 DeLoreans, the most for a show like this. Heck, it may be the most assembly of DeLoreans since they were sitting at the factory. There was even a unique reunion of sorts when three consecutive VINs were there, parked side by side by side. Surely the first time in thirty-three years that have been together.
In the trade show tent, there were representatives from DMC vendors from across the country. Some debuted new exclusive parts ranging from tail light boards, front shock tower bars, front lower control arms. There was shirts, movie license plates, jackets, photos, and of course.memorabilia from Back to the Future. Everything and anything DeLorean was available. There was even a table or two with Bricklin stuff.
"Bricklins, what DeLoreans would look like if they came in Skittles colours" - Jeffery Weissman |
Oh, I forgot to mention this. Along with the 159 DeLoreans, there was about 10-15 (do not know the official count) Bricklins there. It was a convention of cars with goofy doors.
Hanging out with Bob Gale |
I was not able to drive my car the 2200 mile to Dayton. So, I brought a piece of my car, the driver's side visor, with me instead. The hope was to get some of the cast of Back to the Future to sign it. I first went to my buddy Bob Gale and asked him to sign. He had already
signed my car when he came to Mattel for a visit.
Don Fullilove, I like the sound of that |
I saw Don Fullilove, better known as Goldie Wilson, and got his autograph. He recognized me from last night as 'the Hot Wheels guy'. He could have easily recognized me as 'the only Asian guy at the event'. I would have been more impressed if he remembered me from Orlando 2012...I remembered him.
No caption needed |
The one autograph I wanted was that of Christopher Lloyd. It was known early on that he was attending the event. He was part of the reason I wanted to go, and the reason I brought a piece of my car with me to the event. Needless to say, Doc Brown was surrounded by people where ever he went. It was hard to get to him through all those people. Luckily, he had a table set up, but only for a few minutes. I was fortunate to be near the front of the line to get to meet him, get his autograph, and shake his hand. Wow, just wow.
But wait, there is more. The Choir Club from Fairfield High School performed their Back to the Future production for the last time. Many of the cast were seniors and came back just to do this final performance for us.
Fairfield High School performing Back to the Future |
This was an amazing production. Everything from the arrangement, choreography, props, costume, set...everything, just amazing talent all around. I bet it was fun for the students as they performed not only in front of Back to the Future fans, but some of the cast from the movie
Wait, there is more. After the performance, there was a wedding proposal in front of 500 people. Not a dry eye amongst us. She said yes.
DCS wedding proposal |
It gets better for the newly engaged couple. Harry Waters Jr., Marvin Berry, said, "this one's for all you lovers out there". Then sang Earth Angel, just as he did in the movie. What? Yeah, that happened. How do you top that wedding proposal?
Fairfield High School cast with Back to the Future cast |
One of the highlights for me was seeing the original prototype of the Hot Wheels DeLorean that never made it to production. The only know prototypes were in the DeLorean Archive and I got a chance to see them up close.
Hot Wheels DeLorean prototypes and other die-cast DeLoreans |
The curators of the items allowed me a private viewing...and touching...of this rare item.
Prototypes of the Hot Wheels DeLorean that never was |
Image above from left to right: My production Hot Wheels DeLorean (c. 2010), Hot Wheels DeLorean pre-production sample (c.1979), Painted resin casting (c.1978), Unpainted resin (c.1978), Pre-production sample (c.1979).
John DeLorean's hard hat and shovel from Dunmurry ground breaking |
The DeLorean Archive curators even let us put on John DeLorean's hard hat and pose with the ground breaking shovel. Truly an honour.
The closing ceremonies included a awards, raffle, and presentationwith the Back to the Future cast. Bob Gale shared his "Doc Brown Doesn't Drive A Fucking Mustang" story. I have heard it twice and it never gets old. Right after the punchline was said, Ken handed Christopher Lloyd the famous shirt inspired by Bob Gale's story.
Doc Brown Doesn't Drive A Fucking Mustang |
I received a plaque for Honored Speaker for my presentation. Of all the awards I have received, granted I have not received many, I am most proud of this one.
Marty and I, posing with our plaques |
My buddy
Marty won an award for Most Awesome Canadian Who Owns A DeLorean...or was it for Best Car with 75,000 miles? I forget. Notice his plaque is better than mine. The difference between having one of the best DeLoreans at the show and some guy talking about toys.
That was the end of the show. Before we left, we said our goodbyes. We met up with Terry and Oliver Holler of Team Fox and took a picture next to their clock tower display.
Terry and Olver of Team Fox |
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Part I -
Part II