20 June 2014

DeLorean Car Show 2014 - Part I

DeLorean Car Show 2014 in Dayton, Ohio
Thursday, 12 June 2014

Two years after Orlando, DeLorean owners and enthusiasts gather in Dayton, Ohio for DeLorean Car Show 2014.  This is the last show to be run by Ken Koncelik, before the reigns get handed over to Jason Sharkey.  This show was not to be missed.  It promises to be the best and biggest yet. 

Curtis Bryant's masterpiece
As we approach the hotel, there was no mistaking that the Dayton Marriott was hosting the event.  There was about twenty DeLoreans already parked in the lot.  Among them was Curtis Bryant's 'VNDIC8R'.  Photos do not do it justice.

Lighted replica dealer sign
Thursday was a relative light day as people were arriving at different times and registering.  There was still some setting up in the halls, as well as under the tents.  We were treated to Back to the Future Production Designer, Andrew Probert's presentation.

Andrew Probert and Jeffery Weissman
Our master of ceremonies was Jeffery Weissman, who played George McFly in Back to the Future Part II and III.  Andrew Probert presented some of his designs for the movie, along with storyboards for the original ending of the first film.

One of Andrew's first gigs was production designer on Star Trek - The Motion Picture, which eventually led to his work on Star Trek - The Next Generation.  He gave a great presentation on his work for the show.  This included designs for the Enterprise-D.  Yeah, he designed the ship, exterior and interior, the bridge, even some of the aliens.  As a designer and a Star Trek fan, it was quite a treat to see original sketches for one of my favourite shows.  I mean, we had just seen awesome designs for Back to the Future and now, Star Trek...nerdgasm!

Just some of the cars that were under the tent
As people arrived, the cars were being set up for Saturday's car show.  It was a long travel day, and a long day of events tomorrow.  Off to bed.

To Be Continued...

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