01 November 2015

I Am the New Face of Bremont

Okay, I am not the face of Bremont.  But, there is (or was, depending on when you read this) a competition on the ALT1TUDE forum to post a Halloween themed Bremont photo.  There are cool prizes for the winner, so it will be worth it to enter.

The things I do to try to win a contest
 My idea was to 'become the face of Bremont'.  Simply put, I will paint my face to look like the face of a Bremont ALT1-C.  Ha ha, face...get it?  I rushed to the 99 Cent to pick up some face paint, hoping that there will be some supplies in stock.  Looking for Halloween supplies on Halloween, I am sure there are plenty of supplies.  Luckily, there were a few packs of cheap 99 cents face paint left, enough to do what I need to do.  Here is the process:

Mixing face paint and colour matching
For 99 cents, you get some cheap stuff and not a lot of options as far as colour.  I wanted to match the anthracite of my watch, so I had to mix the paint to get a grey.

Applying the base colour
Once the colour was mixed, I dabbed it on with a makeup sponge.

Painting the whites
You cannot get last-minute-99-cent makeup in silver.  I used a thin coat white over the grey (that way it mutes the white) to represent the silver parts of the watch.

Lettering backwards
This was the fun part, painting the words.  Using my watch as reference, I had to reverse the image in my head first, then paint it using a mirror.

Adding the logo
Trying to match font is hard, especially with a crappy brush.  I did my best.  Note that I have the older version of the watch with the original logo and Swiss Made on the dial.  So, 'Swiss Made' is on my chin, instead of 'London'.

Painting numbers
Painting the numbers on the side of my face was tricky, as it was harder to see out of the corners of my eyes, versus looking straight into the mirror. Oh, and there is that reversing issue, too.

Smaller details in black
Once done with the white paint, the cheap brush is cleaned and on to black paint for the numbers on the sub-dial and date.  I had to go back and paint some markers along the circumference of the dial.  Final touch is the red on the chronograph second hand.

This project took me about two hours.  I think it turned out okay...definitely an improvement to my regular face.  Hoping to win something in the competition.

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