14 December 2015


End of the year edition.  Do telemarketers ramp up employment as retailers do with seasonal jobs?   While everyone is bring joy at this time of year, these fucknuts terrorize year round.

14 December 2015
  501-760-7395  Little Rock, AK - I am not even sure if this is a telemarketer.  Did a little search and did not come up as one...but, I could be the first.  Holy shit, I am patient zero.  No message, so it could be a wrong number.  Yeah, I highly doubt that.  Fuck you!

   310-849-3549  Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, this one checks out as a telemarketer.  I guess that answers my question about seasonal jobs at the telemarketer office.  Fuck you!

15 December 2015
    931-307-7329 - Mother fucker!  Another goddamn text. 
Douche bags
 Bags?  Yeah, more like douche bags...you fucking cunts! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!

22 December 2015
   330-883-4531   Warren, OH - A call at 8:20 in the morning?  What the fuck?  My boss does not even call me that early in the morning.  I did a quick search, and according to others, this is a credit scam telemarketer.  Of course, we have the holidays...lots of shopping...perfect time to run this scam. So, fuck you in the ass with a Christmas tree.

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