02 February 2017


Short month, but that should not stop these fuckers from meeting their numbers.

2 February 2017
  213-266-9479  Los Angeles, CA - What on Groundhog Day?  How perfect would it be to be trapped in Groundhog Day with endless telemarketer calls...NOT!  Yeah, I am trying to bring the "...NOT" thing back.  Who knows, it could catch on.  Hipsters like that kinda vintage stuff.  Anyway, thanks for calling...NOT!  Fuck you!

  253-588-8137  Tacoma, WA - See that I mean?  That Groundhog Day shit is totally happening.  I am stuck in a loop where my phone is constantly ringing and I never answer it.  Fuck you!

3 February 2017
  747-245-6010  Los Angeles, CA - Well, this is new.  I did not know there was a 747 area code in the Los Angeles area.  But what I do know is this is a telemarketer number.  The bot did its thing and "left a message" saying that I am pre-approved for something.  Look, I know what my credit and reputation is.  No one approves of me...not credit cards, banks, my boss, my parents...no one approves.  I am a disappointment to everyone...but not as disappointing as being a telemarketer. So, fuck you!

6 February 2017
  952-374-1741  Minneapolis, MN - Technically, there was a message left.  But, there was no message, just three seconds of silence.  A search does show that this is a telemarketer number.  Yeah, I knew that.  How many calls from Minnesota do I get anyway?  Well, this is actually the second one.  Last month was the first...and what do you know, it was also from a telemarketer.  Fuck you!

  213-205-2254  United States - Oh, I know this is a telemarketers.  Everyone knows that 213 is in the Los Angeles area.  By now, everyone should know that if the location shows "United States", you have yourself a fucking telemarketer.  Fuck you!

   951-259-1269  Lake Elsinore, CA - Three calls in one day, all from different numbers.  Fuck you!

8 February 2017
  541-899-1906  Jacksonville, OR - The credit card scammers are hit us strong this month.  Just a theory, I am guessing that after the holiday season, there are people in credit card debt.  What better time and opportunity than to cold call someone and pull off a scam?  Fuck you!

  213-266-9501  Los Angeles, CA - I had not even finished typing the above entry and my phone rings, again.  Less than two minutes.  This time with a different number and instead of credit card scam, this is vacation scam.  So, I guess after the holidays, I need another holiday?  Fuck you!

Sad that the only people that call me are telemarketers.
14 February 2017
  213-266-9501  Los Angeles, CA - Could this be a call from a secret admirer, wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day?  Of course not!  Although you could say I have a stalker.  This is a return caller and not the first from this area code and prefix (see image above).  Fuck you!

15 February 2017
  855-653-4481  Unknown - As per usual, I do a search for numbers just to see what they are about and to confirm that they are telemarketers.  Well, it was to my surprise that I found this:
1-855-653-4481 is a deceptive number associated with cyber-criminals that is used to deliver fake alerts and trick them. This is a tech scam virus that throws scary pop-up notifications to urge users calling on the technical assistance number. It claims that your PC is infected with any malware and your private data can be endangered and thus to you need to call on 1-855-653-4481 for immediate assistance. But these services are highly chargeable than worth and most of the time associated with cyber criminals that will attempt to record all your data by remotely accessing your PC. You may be further asked to register for any fake security products. Please do not call on 1-855-653-4481 and quickly follow the removing instructions for 1-855-653-4481 tech scam virus.
Uh...fuck you!

16 February 2017
  360-577-9082  Longview, WA - Longview? Washington?  Hey, remember Green Day's hit album Longview?  That is what I thought of when I saw the call location.  I wonder if they named the album after the city...most likely not!  As far as I know, the guys in Green Day grew up in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area).  How dare you name a city after their album and allow a telemarketing firm to set up in your city.  Fuck you!

20 February 2017
  213-985-0858  Los Angeles, CA - I guess telemarketers do not get President's Day off.  These guys have no respect...surprise.  Our President wants to build a wall.  I say, build a system that stops telemarketing.  Fuck you! 

23 February 2017
  951-381-3380  Banning, CA - Banning?  Everyone and anyone with a phone has been asking for a ban on telemarketers...how ironic that a telemarketer call is from Banning.  Fuck you!

28 February 2017
  323-515-8527  Los Angeles, CA - Clearly, since this is the last day of the month, this is one of those 'meet my quota' calls.  I expect these terrorist to go full speed tomorrow, or at least the first week of March.  Fuck you!

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