02 June 2017


Ah, June. The start of summer, summer jobs, and summer internships.  Although, some of these jobs are being taking over by robots.  Do you think anyone grows up in hopes of becoming a telemarketer?

2 June 2017
  866-346-1411  Unknown - Not really unknown, according to the internet machine, this is Time Warner calling in hopes that you upgrade your service.  Why would I need to upgrade?  Oh, I know...because your service is shit to begin with.  So, I need to 'upgrade' to  something more expensive and get just at shitty service.  Fuck you!

  310-849-4392  Beverly Hills, CA - You know what they say about those Beverly Hills numbers from the 310-849.  Same shit, different day.  Fuck you!

9 Jun 2017
  310-849-4147  Beverly Hills, CA - Same area code and prefix is being targeted by telemarketers.  They are obviously routing their calls through.  Is there some kind of foreign hacking going on?  Fuck you! 

12 June 2017
  866-390-4096  Unknown - Apparently, this is the NRA phishing for money.  Even though it is a legitimate organization, this still falls under the telemarketer umbrella.  Actually, I am not sure this is the real NRA or someone claiming to be them.  Your 'guns' do not scare me.  Fuck you!

13 June 2017
   0000000000  Unknown - Yeah, that is not a typo.  The number came up as ten zeroes.  So, I am pretty sure this is a telemarketer.  Seriously, guys, a bunch of zeroes is way more suspicious than a fake number.  Go back to the drawing board.   Fuck you!

14 June 2017
  866-388-4616  Unknown -  Hmm...weird.  Search results show that this is Spectrum calling to get on e to switch over/upgrade to their latest promotion.  But, results also show that this number is linked to NRA.  Not the first call I apparently got from NRA.  So...not weird at all.  Sounds like textbook telemarketing to me.  Fuck you!

  0000000000  Unknown - Uh, I guess this is a return caller.  So, the pattern is NRA from some 866 number, then a 0000000000 number.  Got it.  Fuck you!

15 June 2017
  610-816-6004  Reading, PA - I do not want to jinx it, but if I get a call tomorrow...it will be a clean sweep for this week.  A call everyday.  Really, if you date back to last Friday, we do have a call everyday.  I am not counting weekends...although, I occasionally get that call on a Saturday or Sunday morning.  How exciting!

Anyway, this is another textbook telemarketers. Fuck you!

16 June 2017
  401-200-8645  Bristol, RI - Yes!  I knew you would not let me down. Five days in the row, folks.  From my simple search, it seems that this number had been 'inactive' for about a year (since June 2016).  Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this number is active again.  Kinda obvious the fucking telemarketers have a bank of numbers that they put in the back burner for a while to 'lay low'.  Then, then you least expect it...well, I always expect a telemarketer to call...they bring up an old number and cold call.  Nice scam.  Fuck you!

17 June 2017
  310-849-9362  Beverly Hills, CA - Surprise!  That makes it six days in a row.  An early Saturday morning call.  This is kinda awesome.  Normally, I do not look forward to telemarketing calls, but we could have a seven day sweep hereI got so excited, I forgot to mention...another Beverly Hills call.  So back to basics.  Sunday is looking good.  Think about this, if they hit Sunday, the next week is wide open.  At least Monday through Friday, another five days, which could bring their total to twelve.  But, I am totally jumping the gun.  I should not jinx this.  Until tomorrow...Fuck you!

19 June 2017
  240-892-1456  Upper Marlboro, MD - What?  You took Sunday off?  Come on, you had a good thing going.  Now, you have to start from zero.  What a bunch of losers. Fuck you!

20 June 2017
  866-390-4096  Unknown - Return caller.  This is the one that comes up as the NRA, remember?  Wait, if this is the NRA...would the be considered a 'warning shot'?  Fuck you!

21 June 2017
  866-359-4296  Unknown - Wow, you guys are really laying it on thick.  Three days in a row!   Are you going for the record this time?  Or, are you going to fuck it up the last minute...just like how you fucked up your shitty life by becoming a telemarketer.  In this case, becoming a programmer for robocalls.  Fuck you!

24 June 2017
  310-849-1173  Beverly Hills, CA - What, three days without a call, how can this be?   No worries, Beverly Hills to the rescue.  Another call from the 310-849 area code and prefix.  Do you see why blocking numbers is pretty much useless?

Some of the calls of this month
Still waiting for that Sunday call.  Fuck you!

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