01 July 2017


We have all been getting telemarketing calls from random numbers.  But recently, a lot of us have been receiving calls from local numbers. I am sure you have seen some post from me regarding telemarketing calls from the 'Beverly Hills' area.  Apparently, this is called spoofing.  If your friends and family have numbers that differ from yours, they have most likely be receiving numbers from their same area code and prefix.  This is nothing new, but the telemarketers have upped their game in the last few months.

I am sure most of you are not answering calls from 'unknown' numbers or outside your contact list. This spoofing is obviously designed to catch you off guard.

1 July 2017
  310-849-5434  Beverly Hills, CA - First day of the month, and on a Saturday morning.   Fuck you!

6 July 2017
  310-849-9946  Beverly Hills, CA - I wish had this many friends from Beverly Hills.  Ah, the art of spoofing.  Its only accomplishment is being on a list of missed calls.  Fuck you!

11 July 2017
  310-849-9946  Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, a repeat caller.  This is interesting.  A spoofed number calling more than once.  I hope the person who actually owns this number knows that their number is being used...and that I am bashing it.  Nothing personal, buddy.  It is not you, it is the telemarketer system.  Fuck you!

17 July 2017
  815-244-6440  Minooka, IL - I kinda like the name 'Minooka', too bad it the town is tainted by telemarketers.

Minooka, IL
According to this robo call, I have been pre-approved for a loan.  Sweet!  Also, fuck you!

  301-469-3733  Bethesda, MD -  I know Bethesda.  The first time I heard about the name was in A Few Good Men.  Lt. Sam Weinberg mentions to Lt.Cmdr. JoAnne Galloway that "the team's playing Bethesda Medical next week".  Since I had not heard the name before, I thought he said "teams' play the Feds and Medicals next week".  So, I was quite excited when I got a call from Bethesda.  Maybe they want to schedule a softball game next week, who knows?

Alas, this is another telemarketing call.  Looks like they have abandoned (for now) the Beverly Hills phone numbers and going back to random numbers.  I wonder what city the next call will originate from.  Until then, fuck you!

19 July 2017
   323-375-5268  Los Angeles, CA - Oh, so we are back to Southern California calls.  Great!  Kinda disappointed, I was hoping for some 'exotic' city of origin, like Bethesda, or at least a call from different state.  Fuck you!

21 July 2017
  800-871-3984  Unknown - This one is good.  Apparently, this is supposed to be Microsoft calling to notify that Windows has expired and need to renew license.  They even use a 1-800 number to make it seem legit.  Good try, assholes.  Pretty sure Microsoft Windows licenses do not expire, I could be wrong.  Licenses will someday be out of date.  When that happens, you get an email, usually for a free upgrade.  Obviously, this is another scam to get your information.  Fuck you!

26 July 2017
  310-849-5294  Beverly Hills, CA - According to Whitepages.com, this number "appears to be a valid caller that presents practically no risk of scam or fraud".  Yeah, until those fucking telemarketers spoof the number. I am sure this is owned by someone legit.  Unfortunately, it has become victim to spoofing...as I am sure your number and my number as, or will be.  Fuck you! 


  1. If you are really annoyed by those calls, I think you could try to track them down and file a lawsuit against the caller. I read at http://www.whycall.me/news/my-4500-payday-from-a-telemarketer/ about that. You could hire a lawyer and consult this to them. Good luck!
