Building the Back to The Future DeLorean, Issues 007-010 |
Issue 007 contents |
A simple build. Six part, only five are used in this issue, and two screws. You will save the front plate for later. Good thing I am getting four issues at once.
Issue 008 contents |
Another simple build as you are just screwing in the two anti roll bar bases into the bottom plate. Save the anti roll bar itself for later.
Issue 009 contents |
This is the same build as Issue 003.
Finished assembly of issues 007-009 should look like this.
Steering Rack, Top Plate, Anti Roll Bar, Bottom Plate, Front Wheel |
Issue 010 contents |
This is exciting! The frame is one hefty piece of metal. There is really nothing to assemble with this issue as there is only one piece, the frame, included with this issue. But, you do get another screwdriver for your collection...and introducing two new screw sizes.
In addition to the parts from this shipments (007-009), you will need to the assembled builds from 003 (Front Wheel), 005-006 (Front Left and Right Suspension). Finally, all (well, most) of those parts you have been gathering and assembling have something to attach to. Most of the assembly of this issue goes pretty smooth. There are areas where one should pay extra attention to.
As I mentioned previous posts, it is a good idea to pre-tap some of the screw bosses before final assembly.
When you get to attaching the wheels to the front suspension assembly, you will notice there is quite a lot of wiggle room. There is a small shoulder for the wheel to rest in and a relatively small diameter shaft for the wheel to sit in.
Disc plate sketches and ideas |
Finished discs |
With these installed, there is still a little wobble, but far less than without.
Pro tip: When screwing the wheels in, make sure to over tighten as this will prevent spinning. Also, leave the wheel caps off for now. Once you pop in those wheel caps, it is very difficult to remove them (as me how I know). You may want to adjust that screw or make additional modifications to the mounting area in the future. Save your wheel caps until the later.
The completed frame, up to Issue 010, should look like this:
Frame with suspension, anti roll bar, and wheels installed |
Extra screw count after ten issues: 14-AP, 5-BP, 2-CP, 3-AM, 4-BM, 2-EM, 2-CM, 4-DM, 2-DP, 1-FM, 1-GM.
to be continued...