05 December 2017


Final month of 2017. Everyone is on holiday mode...except for the fucking telemarketers.

5 December 2017
  310-849-4134  Beverly Hills, CA - Obviously, this is another spoofing call. I wonder if these fuckers are going to pick it up for the holiday season, like how some retailers hire more staff to cover for the mass shopping season.  Oh wait, telemarketers are usually bots.  Do bots have holidays?  I know they sometimes get weekends off. Sometimes I get calls on Saturdays. Where am I going with this?  No where, just like telemarketers.  Fuck you!

  423-405-1562  Athens, TN - There is already an Athens in Greece. Come up with your own name.  Fuck you!

8 December 2017
  310-849-9946  Beverly Hills, CA - For those keeping track, this is the eleventh time this number has called, dating back to May of this year.  Fuck you!

11 December 2017
  201-579-9233  New Jersey - Not one...

  201-579-9233  New Jersey - Not two...

  201-579-9233  New Jersey - Not three..

  201-579-9233  New Jersey - But four calls from this number.  Oh, it gets better.  Four, count them, four calls in less than a minute.  Fuck you!

I downloaded an app called Call Protect which pre-blocks number s that are from potential fraud callers. My phone did not even ring, just a notice...well, four...that calls were protected.  It is free, try it.

13 December 2017
  310-849-8558  Beverly Hills, CA - Another spoofed number from Beverly Hills.  You know the routine...it looks legit, but it is a fucking telemarketer/spam.  Because of the spoofing, the app I downloaded did not pick this up as a potential fraud.  Oh you fucking telemarketers, are so sneaky.  Fuck you!

19 December 2017
  310-849-9946  Beverly Hills, CA - Look who called again.  That makes it twelve calls since May.  While most, okay, all telemarketer calls are annoying as fuck...I actually look forward to getting calls from this number.  I am not sure what the record of calls from a single number is, but twelve calls in seven months should rank in the top three.  There is a really good chance that I will get another call before the end of the year,  Until then, fuck you!

20 December 2017
  801-797-3714  Utah - Call Protect listed this as "Potential Fraud" and "Threat:  Severe".  Fuck you!
26 December 2017
  310-849-1194  Beverly Hills, CA - Awesome, a Boxing Day call.  So did they have Christmas off?  Another spoofed call, but this time from a new number.  Fuck you!

28 December 2017
  510-947-0283  Walnut Creek, CA - Lori is a cunt!  Another text from fucking Door Dash, courtesy of fucking Lori.

Funny thing is, I did a search for this number and this site came up.  Yep, they have texted me before with Lori's fucking dinner.  God damn it, I want to kick Lori in the throat.  Then, maybe Door Dash can feed her dinner through a tube.  Fuck Lori, fuck Door Dash, fuck you!

 29 December 2017
   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA - Oh, this is going to sound crazy, but I got not one...
   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not two...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not three...
   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not four...
   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not five...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not six...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Seven!..Nope, just kidding, not even seven...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not eight...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Not nine...

   323-642-1423   Los Angeles, CA -  Ten!  I got 10 calls within a minute that was fortunately Auto-Blocked by Call Protect and marked as Potential Fraud.  Never even heard the phone ring.  Call Protect, thank you.  Telemarketers, fuck you!


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