01 October 2018


New month.  Heading into Fall.  For some of you business minded folks, start of the important fourth quarter.

1 October 2018
  310-849-9714  Beverly Hills, CA - Starting off the new month on a Monday means getting a call on the first business day of the week/month.  Well, fuck you!

  310-366-4627  Gardena, CA - This call was marked as "Suspected Spam" by the phone.  Looks like it is going to be one of those days.  Fuck you!

  310-366-4627  Gardena, CA - Second call of the day from same number.  First the phone tags this number.  Now, on the second call, Call Protect intercepts this and tags it as "Potential Fraud". See image below.  Again, fuck you

  323-686-9376  Los Angeles, CA - Wow, four calls in a day.  These guys make more calls to me, in about six hours, than I make in six months.  Fuck you!

Calls from a bunch of assholes
3 October 2018
   323-686-9376  Los Angeles, CA - Surprised I did not get any calls yesterday.  You can always count on these fuckers to call back the next day.  So here we are.  Fuck you!

9 October 2018
  323-686-9377  Los Angeles, CA - You know how Homeland Security gets a little antsy when there is no terrorist activity for a while.  I kinda feel the same when there are no calls from telemarketers for a while.  Something must be up.  Are they planning their attack?  Oh, I just noticed that it is one number up from the last call.  Fuck you!

12 October 2018
  310-849-1552  Beverly Hills, CA - It is 8:23 in the morning.  I am in the middle of actually working and this fucker calls.  That means I have to drop everything to write this shit.  Fuck you!

  310-849-9291  Beverly Hills, CA - They keep calling, I keep ignoring.  Is there a way to block an entire prefix?  Fuck you!

15 October 2018
  310-849-7697  Beverly Hills, CA - Who dis?  Fuck you!

19 October 2018
  650-437-9871  San Mateo, CA - Lori is a CUNT!  Another fucking Door Dash text.  Fuck these guys and their business model.

Lori is a cunt
I hope Lori gets food poisoning...but from something else, since this is not Chipotle's fault.  Like Chipotle needs another food poisoning scandal.  And, I hope Door Dash stock drops to rock bottom.  Fuck you!

Update:  I contacted Door Dash via Twitter, and looks like the issue is being resolved.  Almost three years later...seriously, the first Door Dash text was received in February of 2016.  I have tried to contact via their website with no results.  Luckily, I found social media links and contacted them. We will see if this is the last of texts from Door Dash. Not holding my breath. 

25 October 2018
  800-513-8282 - Ooh, fancy.  An 800 number.  Someone is stepping up.  Too bad your shit was pre-tagged with "Suspected Spam".

The early morning call is a nice touch.  Fuck you!

26 October 2018
  310-160-2155  United States -  Getting a little creative with the numbers.  Who has ever heard of a 160 prefix.  Not that is matters, this was pre-tagged as Suspected Spam.  Ha, nice try.  Fuck you!

Oh, we have an update.  They left a voicemail...yep, you guessed it. Some robo Chinese message.  Again, I say, fuck you!

30 October 2018
  310-849-9255  Beverly Hills, CA - Who the fuck is this?  Another spoofed number from another terrorist telemarketer.  Fuck you!

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