02 November 2018


Can you believe it is already November?  I actually hate when people say that.  It basically means that they have no concept of time and have little responsibilities.

Of course I know it is November.  I have stuff due on certain dates, Halloween just happened, and it is time for another month long blog about telemarketer calls.

1 November 2018
  305-995-0099  Florida - I like this number, so does Call Protect.  Call Protect even marked this as "Potential Fraud".  Fuck you!

  305-995-0099  Florida - Call Protect blocked two calls from this number.  It is a 'catchy' number.  A number you can give someone and they should be able to remember it. "Three-Oh-Five, Nine-Nine-Five, Oh-Oh, Nine-Nine".  How about "Double-Oh, Double-Nine"?  How about, fuck you!

2 November 2018
  818-309-1766  Los Angeles, CA - Kudos to the phone for tagging this as "Suspected Spam".  Saved be the trouble of even caring.  Fuck you!

5 November 2018
  302-232-9640  Bridgeville, DE - A few rings and self disconnected.  Good, saves me the trouble.  Fuck you!

9 November 2018
  310-849-7471  Beverly Hills, CA - Who the fuck is this?  Oh, of course...another call from fucking Beverly Hills, another fucking spoofed number (no doubt).  Fuck you! 

10 November 2018
  310-849-5308  Beverly Hills, CA - Good old Saturday morning call.  Same comment as above.  Fuck you!
15 November 2018
 310-849-9292  Beverly Hills, CA - Slacking of a bit, I see.  Been a few days.  Fuck you!

16 November 2018
  310-849-4476  Beverly Hills, CA - Usually when I bring up the fact that it has been a few days since I have received a telemarketer call.  They call the next day.  I wonder if they will call tomorrow as well...it is a Saturday.  Fuck you!

17 November 2018
  213-807-1916  Los Angeles, CA - Surprise!  Just like I predicted, a call on a Saturday. After not getting any calls for four days, this makes getting a call three days in a row...and on a Saturday.  Hey fuck nut, why not make it four in a row.  Call me tomorrow, bitch!  Fuck you! 

18 November 2018
  478-419-8001  Swainsboro, GA - Guys, you failed to call me on Sunday.  Now, we have to start from zero.  Lucky me, the phone branded your bullshit call as Suspected Spam


I like that is says "missed call".  As if I 'missed' the call.  Oh on, we all know calls get ignored...especially ones marked Suspected Spam.  Fuck you!

  251-239-3024 - Bay Minette, AL - Call Protect, bitch!

Bay Minette sounds like a nice place.  Too bad, fuck you!

20 November 2018
  310-849-5607  Beverly Hills, CA - Right on queue.  I may be jinxing this, but I wonder if they will call on Thanksgiving Day.  I doubt telemarketers have family or friends to hang out with.  So, yeah.  Spend the day working and harassing people.  Stay miserable, and fuck you!

  251-239-3024 - Bay Minette, AL - Wait same number as yesterday.  Intercepted by Call Protect, like yesterday.  Just like yesterday...fuck you!

21 November 2018
  559-418-6320  Huron, CA - I am pretty excited that this makes it three days in a row with a telemarketer call.  But I am more excited about this - check this out:

AT&T Alert:  Telemarketer
Look how beautiful that is.  You know what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving?  This.  This is a new weapon in the fight against telemarketing.  Kudos to you, AT&T!

I am so excited that I almost forgot something...fuck you!

24 November 2018
  972-556-3547  Dallas TX - Aw, you missed a few days.  Do robots have Thanksgiving and shop on Black Friday?  I wonder what they were doing these past two days...not really.

What a bunch of douches.  A 09:15 call on a Saturday morning.  I am loving this new AT&T Alert.  I wonder if this is were callas are originating from before they are spoofed from Beverly Hills numbers.  Meh, whatever.  Fuck you!

29 November 2018
  310-849-8024  Beverly Hills, CA - Another spoofed number from those telemarketers.  Fuck you!

30 November 2018
  310-849-4670  Beverly Hills, CA - End of the week, end of the month.  One more harassment call before the end of the month.  Until next month, fuck you!

1 comment:

  1. You know one of the best things you can do if its a robo call is just dial 2 when you pickup. It puts you on the Do not call list. Ive done this for the past 2 months and I barely get any spam calls anymore. Obviously this doesnt protect you from bad guys but still helps overall.
