Well here we go, another month and no time wasted. It had been over a week since our last call.
1 February 2019
213-807-1922 Los Angeles, CA - At least this call was intercepted by AT&T.
213-807-1922 |
I wonder if they will call repeatedly on Groundhogs Day. Fuck you!
4 February 2019
310-849-5651 Beverly Hills, CA - Early morning call at 7:06. They did leave a message:
310-849-5651 |
By the way, this is the same robo message left by multiple callers. Well...partial message, since I have a long greeting to my voicemail. That generally cuts off most of the robo messages and lets me know if 'missed' calls are legit. Fuck you!
7 February 2019
310-849-6415 Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, we all know who this is...I mean, we do not know who it is, be we know who it is. Fuck you!
10 February 2019
310-547-8135 Los Angeles, CA - Point to AT&T for flagging this one as a telemarketer.
310-547-8135 |
Keep in mind that this call came in on a Sunday at 11:03. I mean, what if I was at church...not likely. If there was a god, there would be no telemarketers. Fuck you!
11 February 2019
310-849-8376 Beverly Hills, CA - Something about these Beverly Hills numbers allow them to sneak pass the AT&T Alert system. Fuck you!
12 February 2019
443-853-8092 Maryland - Not one...
443-853-8092 Maryland - ...but two calls from this number.
443-853-8092 |
Both calls caught by Call Protect...and labeled by AT&T Alert! Bam, bitch! That is a double sack! fuck you!
13 February 2019
310-849-8851 Beverly Hills, CA - This call slipped through the cracks. Oh no, I did not answer...just like ever suspicious call, I ignored it. Fuck you!
310-849-9791 Beverly Hills, CA - Two calls in less than an hour. The day is young...bring it on. Fuck you!
15 Februray 2019
Dominican Republic - No kidding. Someone from, or pretending to be from, the fucking Dominican Republic called me. I shit you not.
849-949-4755 |
Like, who do I know that is from the Dominican Republic? Better question, do I even know where the Dominican Republic is? Fuck you!
849-947-3151 Dominican Republic - What! This is awesome. Not only getting more than one call today, but more that one call from the Dominican Republic.
849-947-3151 |
Did they run out of number from the US to spoof or call from? Fuck you!
18 February 2019
310-849-6976 Beverly Hills, CA - Ah, good old Beverly Hills! None of that 'Santo Domingo' bullshit. Oh, they left a robo message:
310-849-6976 |
I mean, it sounds legit, right? Of course not! Fuck you!
510-906-2793 Alameda, CA - Interesting. Hey, today is supposed to be a holiday of some sort. Fuck you!
19 February 2019
310-598-4832 Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, I guess they ran out of 849 prefixes and had to spoof some other numbers. Fuck you!
559-884-5930 Riverdale, CA - This was intercepted by AT&T Alert and branded as a Telemarketer. I am too lazy to take a screenshot, but just take my word for it. So, thumbs up to AT& T, and for the telemarketers on the other end, the usual...fuck you!
20 February 2019
310-849-3689 Beverly Hills, CA - Okay, I guess there are still some more 849 prefixes in the Beverly Hills area. Good for you and fuck you!
310-849-1000 Beverly Hill, CA - Great number. Makes it look so official, like it is coming from some place important. Good try, fuck you!
25 February 2019
310-849-6449 Beverly Hills, CA - Starting the week off with another spoofed number from Beverly Hills. I wish it was some luxury retail brand calling me about some luxury item. But, no. It is some robo telemarketer, as usual. Fuck you!
28 February 2019
302-232-9625 Delaware - Call Protect to the rescue on the last day of the month.
302-232-9625 |
Actually, double tagged as AT&T Alert label this call as "Fraud Risk". Fuck you!
310-255-2535 Santa Monica, CA - Who the fuck is this? Telemarketer, that is who. Fuck you!