09 February 2019

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 055-058

Another delay in shipping as, according to some sources, there were shortages of Issue 56.  Well, I guess they have their supply and the next shipment was received.  Only month (January) delay, much better than the gap...crevasse...that was between the late June and December shipment.

Issues 055-058
Lots of small parts in this shipment. Oh, also, this parcel came with another binder.

Issue 055 - Lower Bulkhead

Contents of Issue 055
This parts include speakers that are located behind the seats.  I did not know there were speakers located behind the seats.   In a DeLorean, the speakers are located on the inside of the B-pillar.  Maybe they upgraded to better speakers and placed them just behind your butt for better bass.

Out of focus photo of speaker behind passenger seat
I am not sure there is enough room on a real DeLorean to place speakers behind the passenger seat. They would have to move some things around to accommodate. 

Issue 056 - Circuit Board

Contents of  Issue 056
Yay, more wires.  But this time, you get to plug them into the circuit board. 

Focus, damn it!
Actually, this is a good place for the circuit board.  The area behind the passenger seat is where the fuses and relays are. So, this kinda looks like the fuse and relay box.  Too bad my photo is way out of focus.

Issue 057 - Upper Bulkhead

Contents of Issue 057
This gets Issue is pretty exciting.  The upper bulkhead gets a lot of screen time in the movies, so everyone recognizes this area of the car.  Simple assembly here, pretty straight forward.

Kinda in focus
Most of the upper bulkhead is complete after this issue, there are still a few elements that are missing.  Which brings us to...

Issue 058 - Flux Capacitor

Contents of Issue 058
A lot of people are disappointed in how the flux capacitor is represented in the build.  I would have to agree, it is not that great.  It gets most of the elements and details but leaves a lot to be desired.  For such and icon part of and iconic car, they could have done a lot better.

Uh, okay
Well, there you have it, a flux capacitor.  While it is supposed to make time travel possible, needless to day, this time machine, with this flux capacitor is not going anywhere.

There are a few more pieces that need to be installed before, the bulkhead gets mounted to the interior.  Those parts will come in the next issue.  Until then, here is your screw count up to Issue 058

54-AP, 15-BP, 2-CP, 12-AM, 11-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 18-DM, 2-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 2-EP, 17-FP, 2-JM, 3-HP, 3-GP, 3-NM, 1-MM, 3-KM, 1-LM, 1-IP

to be continued...

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