01 February 2019


Well here we go, another month and no time wasted.  It had been over a week since our last call.

 1 February 2019
  213-807-1922  Los Angeles, CA - At least this call was intercepted by AT&T.

I wonder if they will call repeatedly on Groundhogs Day.  Fuck you!

4 February 2019
  310-849-5651  Beverly Hills, CA - Early morning call at 7:06.  They did leave a message:

By the way, this is the same robo message left by multiple callers.  Well...partial message, since I have a long greeting to my voicemail.  That generally cuts off most of the robo messages and lets me know if 'missed' calls are legit.  Fuck you!

7 February 2019
  310-849-6415  Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, we all know who this is...I mean, we do not know who it is, be we know who it is.  Fuck you!

10 February 2019
  310-547-8135  Los Angeles, CA - Point to AT&T for flagging this one as a telemarketer.

Keep in mind that this call came in on a Sunday at 11:03.  I mean, what if I was at church...not likely.  If there was a god, there would be no telemarketers.  Fuck you!

11 February 2019
  310-849-8376  Beverly Hills, CA - Something about these Beverly Hills numbers allow them to sneak pass the AT&T Alert system.  Fuck you! 

12 February 2019
  443-853-8092  Maryland - Not one...

  443-853-8092  Maryland - ...but two calls from this number.

Both calls caught by Call Protect...and labeled by AT&T Alert!  Bam, bitch!  That is a double sack!  fuck you!

13 February 2019
  310-849-8851  Beverly Hills, CA - This call slipped through the cracks.   Oh no, I did not answer...just like ever suspicious call, I ignored it.  Fuck you!

  310-849-9791  Beverly Hills, CA - Two calls in less than an hour.  The day is young...bring it on.  Fuck you!

15 Februray 2019
  849-949-4755 Dominican Republic - No kidding.  Someone from, or pretending to be from, the fucking Dominican Republic called me.  I shit you not.

 Like, who do I know that is from the Dominican Republic?  Better question, do I even know where the Dominican Republic is?  Fuck you!

849-947-3151  Dominican Republic - What!  This is awesome. Not only getting more than one call today, but more that one call from the Dominican Republic.

Did they run out of number from the US to spoof or call from?  Fuck you!

18 February 2019
  310-849-6976  Beverly Hills, CA - Ah, good old Beverly Hills!  None of that 'Santo Domingo' bullshit.  Oh, they left a robo message:

I mean, it sounds legit, right?  Of course not!  Fuck you!

  510-906-2793  Alameda, CA - Interesting.  Hey, today is supposed to be a holiday of some sort.  Fuck you!

19 February 2019
  310-598-4832  Beverly Hills, CA - Oh, I guess they ran out of 849 prefixes and had to spoof some other numbers.  Fuck you!

  559-884-5930  Riverdale, CA - This was intercepted by AT&T Alert and branded as a Telemarketer.  I am too lazy to take a screenshot, but just take my word for it.  So, thumbs up to AT& T, and for the telemarketers on the other end, the usual...fuck you!

20 February 2019
  310-849-3689  Beverly Hills, CA - Okay, I guess there are still some more 849 prefixes in the Beverly Hills area.  Good for you and fuck you!

  310-849-1000  Beverly Hill, CA  - Great number.  Makes it look so official, like it is coming from some place important.  Good try, fuck you!

25 February 2019
  310-849-6449  Beverly Hills, CA - Starting the week off with another spoofed number from Beverly Hills.  I wish it was some luxury retail brand calling me about some luxury item.  But, no.  It is some robo telemarketer, as usual. Fuck you!

28 February 2019
 302-232-9625  Delaware - Call Protect to the rescue on the last day of the month.

Actually, double tagged as AT&T Alert label this call as "Fraud Risk".  Fuck you!

  310-255-2535  Santa Monica, CA - Who the fuck is this?  Telemarketer, that is who.  Fuck you!

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