10 March 2019

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 059-062

Ugh, time change.  Speaking of time, we have another shipment of Time Machine parts from Eaglemoss.

This shipment came in a larger than normal box, also very heavy.  Already lost an hour due to the stupid time change, let us get to it.

Issue 059 - Bulkhead (Upper)
Contents of Issue 059
These are the final (I think) parts of the interior.  All we have to do is mount the Torin Blower, some hoses, and a few wires.

Oh man, the wires. This is issue where all interior comes together and finally gets mounted on to the chassis.  The wiring from back issues are plugged into the board.  While there are only a few parts to this issue, you will spend a long time plugging in wires and making sure elements of the interior assembly line up with the chassis assembly.  Be patient.

Assembled parts up to Issue 059

Issue 060 - Roof Frame

Contents of Issue 060
Oh, big heavy parts.  Not much goes on as far as assembling here.  Just installing the front door pins and you are done.  But look how huge this is!

Bonus!  We have a new screwdriver!

Issue 061 - Luggage Compartment Frame

Contents of Issue 061
Another heavy part, the front section of the frame.  The frame sections get merged and you kinda get a feel of how big...and heavy...this thing will be.  

Oh, another bonus!  Back to back bonuses.  I can only be this excited, because we have a new screw, the OM.  This heavy duty screw is used to secure the front and back frame sections together.

Issue 062 - Windshield 

Contents of Issue 062
Our first window piece.  Take care in installing this, make sure you do not slip and gouge the plastic windshield.  

It also comes with a rear view mirror.  The actual Time Machine does not have a rear view mirror. There is no need for it as the bulkhead blocks the rear view.  Anyway, I left mine off.  I also broke it while trying to install it...so there is that. So, be careful install this part, too.

Update: I fixed the rear view mirror and installed it.  But, I am too lazy to update a photo. 

Fun fact: The rear view mirror on my car broke off one day. I thought I reattached it correctly, and one day, while driving, it fell off.  So, I have very little luck with DeLorean rear view mirrors...at any scale.

Assembled model from Issues 060-062
Now, the best part...screw count.  I must remind you that there is a new screw in this shipment (OM from Issue 061)

55-AP, 15-BP, 2-CP, 13-AM, 12-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 19-DM, 2-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 2-EP, 18-FP, 2-JM, 3-HP, 3-GP, 6-NM, 1-MM, 3-KM, 1-LM, 1-IP, 1-OM

to be continued...

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