04 March 2019


March.  March away from that phone, because it is a telemarketer calling

4 March 2019
  310-627-4642  Compton, CA - Compton?  Well, shit!  Fuck you!

  310-627-4642  Compton, CA - Wait, you called twice?  Well, fuck you...twice!

5 March 2019
  813-694-7239  Florida - This came in on the phone as "Unknown".  But, I looked in the Call Protect app and it shows the number as listed.  Did you really think disguising yourself as 'unknown' would make any difference?  Fuck you!

6 March 2019
 310-939-1813 - Redondo Beach, CA - Three days in a row.  I hope they call everyday of the month.  Fuck you!

7 March 2019
  310-325-6401 - Lomita, CA - Where the fuck is Lomita?  Well, there was a voicemail

Lomita sounds like an acronym for a robo-telemarketing computer.  L.O.M.I.T.A.  Yeah, I do not have time to think of what it stands for.  Fuck you!

8 March 2019
  310-849-5898  Beverly Hills, CA - Sweet!  Five days in a row.  Left a voice mail for some credit card something.  Whatever.  As if I have any credit.  Fuck you!

  310-285-9242  Beverly Hills, CA - Second call of the day. Perhaps making up for tomorrow?  You guys have called on weekends before.  I wonder if the time change will mess with your system.  Fuck you!

12 March 2019
  310-956-1244  Hawthorne, CA - Getting quite a few 'random' numbers.  Mind you, these are still telemarketers.  Are they starting to run out of 'Beverly Hills' numbers to spoof?  Fuck you!

  310-956-1244  Hawthorne, CA - Two calls in one day.  Must be important...NOT!  Fuck you!

19 March 2019
  310-448-2048  California - This came in as "unknown".  But using Call Protect, I found out the number.  Fuck you!

20 March 2019
  310-994-778  California - So, I got a voicemail from these guys.  But, the phone did not even ring.
What is this witchcraft?  Obviously a telemarketer, but how did they bypass the calling and went straight to voicemail?  Fuck you!

21 March 2019
  310-849-8057  Beverly Hills, CA - It has been a while, Beverly (we are on a first name basis).  Fuck you!

22 March 2019
  646-794-7536  New York, NY - Definitely a robo-telemarketer.  Left a message in a foreign language.  Pretty pointless if you ask me.  1. I do not answer calls from the unknown.  2. If the message is in some kind of foreign language, how the fuck am I supposed to 'buy into' whatever you are trying to sell.  Fuck you!

  310-373-6462  Redondo Beach, CA - First, New York...now, California.  Coast to coast telemarketers.  Fuck you!

23 March 2019
  626-576-5247  Alhambra, CA - Remember this jingle?  "Me and Alhambra Water making friends".  This could be a wrong number, but just to be on the safe side...Fuck you! 

24 March 2019
  408-961-4321  San Jose, CA - One of those rare Sunday calls.  Fuck you!

25 March 2019
  408-961-4321  San Jose, CA - Second call from this number. Could be legit, most likely not.  Too lazy to look into it.  Maybe leave a message.  Until then...fuck you!

26 Mach 2019
  210-880-2755 San Antonio, TX - Who, in San Antonio, would be calling me?  Other than telemarketers, no one.  Fuck you!

  240-203-6145  Maryland - Well, this is random.  Again, why would anyone from Maryland try to contact me?  Again, fuck you!

  408-961-4321  San Jose, CA - Third call of the day...and third call from this number.  Perhaps I should block this number, since answering the call is totally out of the question.  Fuck you!

27 March 2019
  800-221-6659  - Hmm..800 number.  Nothing came up on a quick search, but signs usually point to telemarketer. Fuck you!
  310-695-1548  Inglewood, CA - Dude!  What the fuck is up with all these calls this month?  Obviously, there some kind of astrological occurrence that I am unaware of.  Fuck you!

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