07 September 2019

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Still waiting for parts

If you are here, you may be expecting to read about the Eaglemoss Back to the Future Time Machine build.  Well, looks like you, like me, like last year, will still have to wait.  Heck, you may have thought that I had cancelled my subscription to this awesome build.  Nah!  Here is the scoop.

The reason why there have been no updates to my build is not because I am lazy...well, I am lazy...but, just like last year, my next parts are on back order.  If you remember, there was a five month gap between July 2018 and December 2018 where no parts were received from Eaglemoss due to back order issues.  According to various social media posts and blogs, this is an on going issue with this build.

Obviously, I have contacted Eaglemoss with the issue, only to get "your next issues are on back order" as a response.  Now, as someone familiar with the manufacturing and distributing business, I know things like this can happen.  But,waiting five months last year for parts is ridiculous.  

This year, I am again waiting for parts, as my last shipment was in April. So, we are approaching that five month gap, again.  And, again, this is fucking ridiculous!  This puts me ten months and 40 issues behind.  At this point, I should be about 85-88% complete on my build.  Instead, I am barley half way through. 

It was projected that this build would be complete at the end of this year, since I was on the first batch of subscribers when this project hit the US market.  Like many, I have been following this project since it debuted in the UK a few years ago.  Most of the subscribers in UK are done with their builds.

I know others, at least in the US, have also been waiting for their next shipments for months.  While others have been receiving shipments on a regular basis and are on 'schedule' to complete at the end of the year.  Even those who signed up on the second or later waves have caught up and/or surpassed first wave subscribers.  

So, if you are 'back ordered', we are in the same boat.  If you are thinking about starting this build or any Eaglemoss subscription based builds, be warned that there are major back order issues and give yourself at least a year cushion on your completion date.  

For now, my incomplete build is just sitting there waiting, like in Delago Mine, waiting for parts.  Hopefully, I do not have to wait 70 years or send a telegram to someone via Western Union to get my parts and finish my build.   

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