06 January 2020

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 088-091

Issues 088-091

Good news:  We have a shipment!  Remember I said the previous shipment might be the last of the year?  Well turns out that this came in whilst I was on holiday, so I did not get to it until the new year.

Bad news:  Still waiting on Issues 076 and 077

More bad news:  Also waiting on 085, 086 and 087.  So now, we are missing five issues.

Well, I guess we should get to what we can build...

Issue 088 - Seat Belts

Contents of Issues 088
This issue finishes up the interior around the doors, and has the seat belts.  While assembling and looking at the directions, I noticed some pieces missing on my build.  I figured these were included in 076 and 077, parts that should have been here months ago.  Anyway, we build on.

Issue 089 - Engine Cover

Contents of Issue 089
Other than the small QM screws, this is a very easy assembly.  All that is done is mounting the hinges on the heavy die-cast engine cover with tiny tiny screws. 

Issue 090 - Engine Cover Fittings

Contents of Issue 090
At this point, I realized that I was missing more than just Issues 076 and 077.  There is a lot of pieces  missing and assembly that is has yet to be done.  Now five issues behind, I am unable to complete some of the assembly

Issue 091 - Air Filter, More Wiring

Contents of Issue 091
With the five issues missing (I am just going to mention it every chance I get, thanks Eaglemoss), the only part I can move forward with is the air filter.

I still have remaining parts from 078 that have been sitting since November...but I should have received those parts in 2018.

This kinda messes up the screw count as some parts could not be assembled.  But, from the bags that were accessed, this is the latest screw count:

72-AP, 20-BP, 2-CP, 22-AM, 12-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 27-DM, 3-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 2-EP, 19-FP, 2-JM, 5-HP, 2-GP, 11-NM, 1-MM, 4-KM, 1-LM, 3-IP, 1-OM, 1-PM, 4-JP, 2-KP, 3-QM, 1-LP, 4-MP

to be continued...

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