02 March 2020


I was hoping for a Leap Day call, but it looks like we will have to wait another four years to get one.  Not sure if this will go on that far into the future.  We got a call on the last Leap Day (2016).   Here we are in March

2 March 2020
  925-528-7049  Orinda, CA - Orinda...like they combined 'orange' and 'Linda' to name their town.  Fuck you!

  510-480-3859  El Sobrante, CA - Call Protect got this but it still kinda got through.

Call Protect flagged this as "Spam Risk",  I looked it up for fun and results came back with "roboscam".  So there you go.  Fuck you!

4 March 2020
  310-986-3016  Lomita, CA - First search result..."Robocaller Warning!".  First reaction...Fuck you!

5 March 2020
  310-736-3868  Culver City, CA - Here we go again, with another spoofed number.  Three calls in the first five days this month.  Fuck you!

6 March 2020
  559-596-3909  Dinuba, CA - These guys, again. Still trying to push some 'loyalty plan'.  Like I said, instead of trying upsell some shit I do not want or need, about about just giving your loyal customers a discount.  Fuck you!

7 March 2020
  559-596-3909  Dinuba, CA - Okay, it is my fault for not blocking this number...and blocked.  Fuck you!

13 March 2020
  361-212-7631  Victoria, TX - A call on Friday the thirteenth...could it be Jason Voorhees?  Would have been perfect if the call originated from Crystal Lake, NJ.

Wait, maybe it is Jason, looking for Michael Myers.  Could this be a legit wrong number?  Maybe I should click on the link.  Fuck you!

17 March 2020
  800-792-001 - Wow, this number looks legit, with the 800 and and 0001.  Call Protect got this one quickly.

I also did a quick search, and all sorts of robocall results came up.  Fuck you!

  800-286-1211 - Another 800 number and again Call Protect got this.  Do you think telemarketers are working from home?  Fuck you!

  800-423-1414 - Are we doing this shit all day?  Three calls, today! Y'all are supposed to be at home.  Doing my part in social distancing and not answering the phone.  Fuck you!

18 March 2020
  800-283-1211 - I am guessing we are all getting these telemarketing calls because they know we are all home on lock down.  Be careful.  The only thing worse than COVID-19 is a fucking telemarketer.  Fuck you!

  325-515-0089  Snyder, TX - Not one...

  325-515-0089  Snyder, TX - Not two...

  325-515-0089  Snyder, TX - But three attempts to contact me.

As someone has recently stated:
"Am I the only one who's been getting a ton of scam calls in the last couple of days?  It's as if the sum of this earth are ramping up efforts to take advantage of the chaos."
Yep, the scum of the earth.  Fuck you!

24 March 2020
  657-357-7872  Anaheim, CA - Been a while since we got a robotext:

I did a search on this number and it seems like it has been linked to various scams like Amazon and iPhone.  So, this is on brand.  Good guess on the name, you got the sex right.  Ha, imagine if this text was for "Michelle" or something.  That would have been awkward.

Okay, so you overcharged me for four months.  How much is a phone bill these days?  What, maybe $80.  So, for four months, that is about $360.  Your cheapest iPhone 11 is $700.  Do they do this every time they overcharge someone?  This is not the ideal business model. Normally, when companies fuck up your bill, they give you credit.  Take your overcharge and shove it up your ass, and fuck you!

26 March 2020
  657-237-0012  Anaheim, CA - Apparently, I am "Michael", now.

Gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say these are the same guys trying to offer me an iPhone 11 for fucking up my phone bill.  Fuck you!

27 March 2020
  951-642-5947  Cornoa, CA - This is the new trend.  No cold calling by robocallers, now we have cold texting by robotexters.  At least they did not refer to me as "Michael"

Obviously, this is another scam, taking advantage of our situation.  By the way, there is no stimulus package from Costco.  But wait, did you notice where the call originated from?  Corona!!!  Fuck you!

   949-293-7892  Anaheim, CA - Another text

I mean, why go with CBD, when I can just go with THC?  Fuck you!

29 March 2020
  424-450-6856  Los Angeles, CA - Another robotext...on a fucking Sunday

Wait, did you say bounty?

Fuck you!

30 March 2020
  publicrecordsvtehjcvvi@ajf48t.com - I forgot that you can email a text.

Yeah, this looks totally legit...NOT!  Who falls for this shit?  They are really turning it up since the lockdown.  Wait, is this a sign that telemarketers are working from home?

I do not give a fuck about telemarketers, but many are out of work during this pandemic.  These fucking telemarketers are taking advantage of people in need of work and money and pull this bullshit.  Fuck you!

31 March 2020
  310-359-6807  Malibu, CA - Oh, fancy.  A call from Malibu, how posh.  Fuck you!

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