There are crazy things happening right now. If you are reading this some time in the future, just look up 2020.
201-528-6736 Rutherford, NJ - Is there a new term for 'telemarketing via text'? Maybe something like 'telemarketexting'?
Do you see what is happening out there? Who the fuck wants to go out during this pandemic and civil unrest? Oh, I am going to take a Uber and risk my safety as well as some stranger's, too?
And, at 6:36 in the morning? So, I am barley up, possibly still asleep and you are randomly asking if I want a ride somewhere in a time when we are on lockdown and under curfew? Know your audience!
This is clearly an automated marketing tactic, most likely from a spoofed number. Reply with STOP to unsubscribe? Nah, you just got blocked. Fuck you!
Oh, by the way...if anyone wants an Uber code, go ahead and take mine. My gift to you, totally re-gifting...although, there is a strong chance that this may not be legit. Stay safe.
310-849-6886 Beverly Hills, CA - And we are back with the Beverly Hills numbers. I wonder if the yesterday's "unknown caller" was from BH. Fuck you!
310-849-1852 Beverly Hills, CA - So, the first attempt from the old BH came in at 11:25. This one, at 12:42. Beverly Hills is trying hard to make contact with me. Again, fuck you!
310-849-3475 Beverly Hills, CA - What the fuck is going on? Calls are coming in like rioters breaking into a Best Buy. Fuck you!
310-849-7601 Beverly Hills, CA - This is an all out attack. Fuck you!
310-849-5917 Beverly Hills, CA - Cannot recall the last time I received five calls in one day. Fuck you!
4 June 2020
310-849-7392 Beverly Hills, CA - Good morning. Here we go again. Can we get more than five callers, today? It is only 9:30. Fuck you!
785-367-9596 Osage City, KS - Fucking pattern breaker! All the way from Osage City. Okay, I had to Google that shit. Osage City is 35 miles South of Topeka. A small town of 2821 people (2018), a drop from 2934 people, according to the 2010 census. Wikipedia says, it has a total area of 3.29 square miles (8.52 km²), of which 3.21 square miles (8.31 km ²) is land and 0.08 square miles (0.21 km ²) is water.
Now, that is a small city...more of a town, if you ask me. How many of those 2821 residence of Osage City, center of the USA, do you think are telemarketers? Is the whole town a bunch of telemarketers, and 113 of them died off between 2010 and 2018? Or, maybe they left and found real jobs, maybe machines took over. One machine took over 113 jobs in middle America. They are attacking is from with in. Fuck you!
269-941-6076 Michigan - Oh, hello. We have a Call Protect sighting. A few calls from the BH, slipped by the CP, but this one did not. "Fraud Risk Auto Blocked". Indeed. Fuck you!
5 June 2020
949-674-8936 Newport Beach, CA - Your typical scam using a large retailer as a facade.
949-674-8936 |
Again, know your audience. We have been on a lock down for three months, and I have not purached anything from anywhere. Why would I get a $100 bonus? I cannot even remember the last time I purchased anything from Amazon. Pretty sure I spent less than $100. In fact, I bet it was just over $35, so I could qualify for free shipping. Most likely, I was looking at something that was about $29.99 and spent the next hour looking for something that was $5.01, just to reach that $35 mark.
So, there is no way someone with my 'customer loyalty' would have earned a $100 bonus. Fuck you!
8 June 2020
213-474-328 Los Angeles, CA - First result in a quick search..."Robocaller Warning!" Fuck you!
10 June 2020
310-849-9612 Beverly Hills, CA - You know the routine. Fuck you!
269-941-6076 - Gonna give a shout out to Call Protect for this one. Oh, Michigan...again. Mich-again? Fuck you!
11 June 2020
937-303-3301 Ohio - This text
went out to two other victims, a total of three. The theory of using a wider net in hopes of
getting more phish. See what I did
there? One idiot actually did the old reply
all with ‘Stop’. Yeah sure, numb
nuts…that is totally going to work in this situation. You just marked yourself for all
telemarketers out there. Good job!
937-303-3301 |
Every time we get one of these ‘make your car look shittier by
slapping on some branded junk and we will pay you basically nothing’ ads, we
have to ask ourselves: Do I even have a
car for said junk to be installed onto? Are
people even going to see this ad you are paying for? Spoiler Alert: Still on lockdown, still not going to put
some random ass shit on my vehicle.
Also, RC Cola? Fuck
310-849-7238 Beverly Hills, CA – Here we going again. Fuck you!
12 June 2020
951-768-0675 Corona, CA - Another texting scam. Go ahead, do a quick search for the number. You could be receiving anything from a new iPhone, iPad, Nintendo Switch, Amazon gift card...whatever it is I am sure is it totally legit. Fuck you!
22 June 2020
949-436-1754 Antioch, CA - Did not get this until the next day, but here we go with these phishy texting scams.
925-436-1754 |
What the hell is CALEITC4me? Never heard of it. Therefore, this is a obviously a scam.
But wait, there is still time to file taxes? It is fucking June, I thought taxes were due in April...on Tax Day. Oh, I get cash back, too? Fuck you!
949-424-4868 Livermore, CA - Back to back texts, about three hours apart. At least I have heard of Costco.
949-424-4868 |
For the record, there is no Costo attached to this number. Oh wait, could this be a scam? No, not Costco. Fuck you!
24 June 2020
310-985-0497 Santa Monica, CA - Surprise, another spoofed number. Fuck you!
25 June 2020
310-849-8924 Beverly Hills, CA - Same old, same old. Fuck you!
310-812-2928 Hawthorne, CA - Another random number, which pretty much means this another spoofed number. Fuck you!
27 June 2020
917-514-5836 New York City - Guess what. If you guessed this was another texting spam, you guessed right! Fuck you!
30 June 2020
310-849-9536 Beverly Hills, CA - Last day of the month. I guess robots need to meet their quota. Fuck you!