21 October 2020

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 106-109

Another box of parts to build, here we go.

Issues 106-109

Issue 106 - Flux Bands, Rear

Contents of Issue 106

Last of the flux boxes.  The rear boxes contain another set of lights, lighting the flux bands from both sides of the optic fiber-like tubing.  The added bonus of the actual wires are hidden in plain sight as...cables.  Genius!

Issue 107 - Flux Bands, Rear Left

Contents of Issue 107

Issue 108 - Flux Bands, Rear Right

Contents of Issue 108

Tackling Issues 107 and 108 back to back is the way to go, as it gets easier once you place the flux tube and add the photo-etched bands.  Your lighting tubes may not be the desired length but as long as you can tuck them behind the bands, you should be good.  

Lots of little AP and IP screws in the flux band builds, so take your time. Once you are done, it is quite rewarding.  During the initial build and restoration, bending and tubes around the DeLorean body was said to be the hardest part.  Luckily for us, these are pre-molded parts with pre-drilled holes.

Issue 109 - Tachyon Field Generator 

Parts of Issue 109

More wires and more twist ties. This issue, we build what is commonly known as the "worm hole emitter", but officially known as the Tachyon Field Generator.  

Once you are complete with Issue 109, it will look like this:

Build up to Issue 109

Pretty exiting, as we reach, and pass, the 100 count on one of the screws.  

Screw count:  102-AP, 25-BP, 2-CP, 22-AM, 13-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 38-DM, 3-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 2-EP, 19-FP, 2-JM, 5-HP, 3-GP, 16-NM, 3-MM, 9-KM, 2-LM, 21-IP, 1-OM, 1-PM, 4-JP, 2-KP, 3-QM, 2-LP, 6-MP 1-RM

to be continued...

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