22 December 2020

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 132-135

 Last shipment of the year.  Here is what we have

Issues 132-135

Good news, no 'missing' issues in this shipment.  Bad news, we are still missing Issue 128...but, since we have Issue 131 from last shipment, we can start on the Part III elements of the Time Machine.   

The build for 131 is simple.  While there are no wires, there is a ribbon with LED lights.  Keep in mind that this should be the first Issue of 'bonus' Part III builds.  The will come into play in future shipments.  We will get into that later.  But first...

Issue 132 - Railroad Ties

Issue 132 contents

Well, it looks like we are going to build this railroad track one section at time.  If you had questions on how Eaglemoss was going to milk 20 issues out of this, here is your answer.

Issue 133 - Rail

Issue 133 contents
Nice solid piece of metal for the rails

Issue 134 - Time Circuit Box

Issue 134 contents

Ah, something more interesting.  Some more hood box elements. Lots of little details and small parts. We also have a new screw, QP.  One annoying part of the build, you have to undo part of the build in 131 and replug in the part.  Be careful not to damage the ribbon.

Issue 135 - Railroad Ties

Issue 135 contents

Pretty much the same as 132. But, this one has more screws and brackets.  There are a total of eight railroad ties, and rails. 

I am guessing the pattern for the next shipments will be Railroad Ties, Rail, Hood Box Components, rinse and repeat.  Somewhere in there should be some train wheels...and then we will be done.

Now, the exciting part, screw count.  Note that this excludes Issues 127-130 (Plutonium Box), we will add those in when we received and build the missing issues:

110-AP, 25-BP, 2-CP, 22-AM, 13-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 38-DM, 3-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 8-EP, 22-FP, 2-JM, 5-HP, 4-GP, 16-NM, 3-MM, 9-KM, 2-LM, 23-IP, 1-OM, 1-PM, 4-JP, 2-KP, 3-QM, 2-LP, 6-MP 1-RM, 6-NP, 2-QP

to be continued...

07 December 2020

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 127, 129, 130, 131

We got another shipment a few days ago.  Nothing was built, because...surprise...another issues is on back order.  Here is what we got

Issues 127,129,130,131

Issue 127 – Plutonium Case Lid


Contents of Issue 127

There are some cute tiny parts in this Issue, including those tiny MP screws.  I guess I can put this together and wait for the next issue.  Speaking of next issue, Issue 128 is the base of the case.  It may be a while before that issue is available.

 Issue 129 – Plutonium Case Inserts


Contents of Issue 129

Spacers and foam lining for the plutonium case.

Issue 130 – Plutonium

Contents of Issue 130

Twelve canisters, with twelve rods of plutonium for the case.  There are even twelve little stickers for each of the rods that we will need to apply.  Also comes with a clock, I assume it is the dash clock. 

Here is where the original 130 issues ends.  At this point, we have the car completed (back in issue 126) and another four issues to build the plutonium case.  We already know that that subscription was extended to and additional 20 issues for a total of 150 issues. 

 What else is there to build?  Well, you know.  We knew this since we got the white wall wheels, at least a year ago.  Of course, since there are 1955 wheels, we need the hood box to complete that look.  Well, we have also received random issues and know that there are also train wheels and a train track for display.  They got to milk another 20 issues somehow.

Issue 131 – Hood Box

So, we begin on the hood box.  This is the base, and it has tiny LED's for light up.  No building means no screw count, so until next time.  Next shipment is on the way.  Surprise, Issue 128 is not on the manifest.  This is what we will do, we will build the Hood Box and, as usual, wait for the back order issues to arrive.

...to be continued

01 December 2020


Last month of the year, we expect a final push for telemarketers to get their scams going before things reset for the new year.  We doubt there is any 'reset', but there is always a push.  One day into the new month and we already have our first call.

1 December 2020

  310-504-9099  Redondo Beach, CA- This is your typical spoofed number to kick off the new month.  We have a solid week, with no holidays, that could be packed with calls. Fuck you!

  747-201-3343  Los Angeles, CA - We have forgotten that 747 was an area code for Los Angeles. This is not the first call from this 'new' area code, our records show that calls from 747 originate back in February of 2017.  Is this area code made just for telemarketers? Fuck you!

2 December 2020

  Unknown - Been a while, but this is a rare call from "unknown".  Fuck you

3 December 2020

  310-599-4501  Compton, CA - We recognised this number as a repeat caller...well, the pre-fix anyway.  It is our good friends in Compton. No doubt another spoofed number, or maybe the telemarketers have set up shop in Compton.  Either way, fuck you!

3 December 2020

  310-504-9099  Redondo Beach, CA - Hey, these guys called two days ago to open the month of December.  Now, this number is being red flagged by Call Protect and the phone as a Spam Risk.  Well, fuck you!

7 December 2020

  213-593-2381  Los Angeles, CA - The internet tells me that this is a landline number in Downtown Los Angeles.  Probably another spoofed number....or, ground zero of a telemarketer cell.  Fuck you!

9 December 2020

  310-869-6881  Los Angeles, CA - Here is another spoofed number used for telemarketing purposes.  I think we are back to California area calls this month.  Fuck you!

10 December 2020

  216-702-6286  Cleveland, OH - Well, there goes California month.  This is another scam text.  Remember, it is holiday season and packages are being shipped and received as if it is...holiday season.


We did a quick search and this number.  In addition to this "UPS parcel", the number is linked to "FedEx", "free Apple laptop", "Netflix account locked".  These are all comments dated with a month of each other.

How can one number be linked to UPS and FedEx?  Wait, they are also Apple and Netflix?  Fuck you!

17 December 2020

  929-343-4832  New York - You could not pay me enough to shop at Walmart.  Wait, did you say $400?  Fucking, sign me up!


Yes, we did a search and this scam has been going on for a while.  

Again, we have to look at the text.  Why is every word in the first sentence capitalized, but Walmart is not?  This is considered a typo and no company would spell their own name wrong.  Still...$400 for being a Walmart shopper.  While very tempting, you should take that $400 and shove it up your ass.  Fuck you!

19 December 2020
  469-797-5166  Texas -  Okay, spelling is correct.  But, you got the tracking number wrong.  Not only is it way too short, the number suggests that this would be from UPS...NOT FedEx.

Maybe I should start replying back with dick pics.  Fuck you!

22 December 2020

  832-606-5255  Houston, TX - Another call from Texas.  This is another spoofed number.  Remember, this is the perfect time to package delivery scams.  Fuck you!

  310-849-9473  Beverly Hills, CA - This one is an obvious spoofed number.  We just thought of something.  Be on the lookout for a new scam.  With the new vaccine being released, there will no doubt be scams for that, as well.  Fuck you!

27 December 2020

  469-782-4068  Texas - Early morning text on a Sunday.  This area code keeps popping up.  We are too lazy to check exactly where this originates from, but signs point to somewhere in Texas.  Yes, Texas is a big state.  But, with all the possible routing and spoofing it could be anywhere.


Quick glance and seems like spelling is mostly correct.  But, the units are called iPad Pro, not Pro 2021 iPad.  I will let it slide. I could get into the details of "Xmas" vs Christmas vs Holidays.  A monkey could tell you that this is a scam.  If not, then there will be 22 monkeys out there with older iPads.  Fuck you!

30 December 2020

  412-537-7549  Pittsburgh, PA - All the way from Pittsburgh.  Could it be Mario Lemieux or just another spoofed number?  I going with the latter.  Fuck you!

31 December 2020

  elinjpascasciomi6345@hotmail.com - One more before the end of the year.  Look at this shit


The email address is highly questionable.  You know when you sign up for a new email address, and you put your name and birthday?  Then, the email provider suggests a username for you.  This is dipshit just went with that suggestion.  I mean, obviously it is fake as my tits.  But, at least think of a better name.  

Oh, and no comment...just a questionable link for me to click?  Fuck you!