22 December 2020

Build the Back to the Future Time Machine - Issues 132-135

 Last shipment of the year.  Here is what we have

Issues 132-135

Good news, no 'missing' issues in this shipment.  Bad news, we are still missing Issue 128...but, since we have Issue 131 from last shipment, we can start on the Part III elements of the Time Machine.   

The build for 131 is simple.  While there are no wires, there is a ribbon with LED lights.  Keep in mind that this should be the first Issue of 'bonus' Part III builds.  The will come into play in future shipments.  We will get into that later.  But first...

Issue 132 - Railroad Ties

Issue 132 contents

Well, it looks like we are going to build this railroad track one section at time.  If you had questions on how Eaglemoss was going to milk 20 issues out of this, here is your answer.

Issue 133 - Rail

Issue 133 contents
Nice solid piece of metal for the rails

Issue 134 - Time Circuit Box

Issue 134 contents

Ah, something more interesting.  Some more hood box elements. Lots of little details and small parts. We also have a new screw, QP.  One annoying part of the build, you have to undo part of the build in 131 and replug in the part.  Be careful not to damage the ribbon.

Issue 135 - Railroad Ties

Issue 135 contents

Pretty much the same as 132. But, this one has more screws and brackets.  There are a total of eight railroad ties, and rails. 

I am guessing the pattern for the next shipments will be Railroad Ties, Rail, Hood Box Components, rinse and repeat.  Somewhere in there should be some train wheels...and then we will be done.

Now, the exciting part, screw count.  Note that this excludes Issues 127-130 (Plutonium Box), we will add those in when we received and build the missing issues:

110-AP, 25-BP, 2-CP, 22-AM, 13-BM, 4-EM, 4-CM, 38-DM, 3-DP, 1-FM, 3-GM, 3-HM, 2-IM, 8-EP, 22-FP, 2-JM, 5-HP, 4-GP, 16-NM, 3-MM, 9-KM, 2-LM, 23-IP, 1-OM, 1-PM, 4-JP, 2-KP, 3-QM, 2-LP, 6-MP 1-RM, 6-NP, 2-QP

to be continued...

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