01 February 2022


 Here we go!  What possible trends will we be seeing this month?  Traditional spoofed numbers, free gifts for paying bills, sexy fun time?  Shorter month, better get your game on!

1 February 2022

  302-454-7679  Newark, DE - So, we are starting the month the a traditional spoofed number call.  Good move, since it usually takes time to process bills.  It would be way too responsible to us to pay our bill before the first of the month.  Although, that would be reason for one to get a free gift. Fuck you!

  213-737-1559  Los Angeles, CA - Boring, labeled as Spam Risk.  Boring, caught by Call Protect.  Just boring.  Come on, how are you supposed to work your scam with these boring ass tactics?  Fuck you!

3 February 2022

  408-647-1442  Saratoga, CA - We got a "Spam Risk" from the phone, Call Protect interception...and a robo voicemail.  That is a telemarketers hat trick!


"Did you guess.."  The correct answer is:  Fuck you!

   83244 - Uh, what kind of number is that?  Well, the exciting news is we got a newly formatted text:


How does one qualify as a Class B Safe Driver?  We have never operated any Class B vehicle, therefore, no accidents/citations...therefore, safe driver.  In that case, we should totally qualify for being a safe pilot for military aircraft.  Fuck you!

  310-373-6462  Redondo Beach, CA - We kicking it old school, today?  Another Spam Risk, Call Protect, and voicemail.  


Multiple calls today.  Classic telemarketing.  Fuck you!

4 February 2022

  213-737-1559  Los Angeles, CA - Hey, we remember you from a few days ago.  You know damn well this number has been flagged by the phone and Call Protect.  Worse, even we remember the number.  Try something new.  Fuck you!

8 February 2022

   213-737-1559  Los Angeles, CA  - Oh shit, you again!  We need to stop meeting like this.  This is the third time this month.  Some might say you are stalking us.  Fuck you!

  877-496-1900 -  A quick search shows that this is from "Franklin American Mortgage Company, But, according to RoboKiller, "This is a Scam Call".  Fuck you!

  emmaolivia1332@hotmail.com - Late night booty call from "emmaolivia1332".  


So, replying with a dick pic is totally okay, right?  Takes this in the way it is intended...Fuck you!

9 February 2022

  410-200-502  - One of  those weird incomplete numbers.  


Oh, coming it at exactly 10:00.  How much more bot can this be?  None more bot.  Fuck you!

  770-428-7774 Mableton, GA - Spoofy McSpoofface.  Fuck you!

  213-737-1559  Los Angeles, CA - Maybe we should block this number.  Fourth call, this month.  Fuck you!

11 February 2022
  808-737-6018  Honolulu, HI - Been a while, about two months, since we have heard from Hawai'i.  At least it is change from the usual band of idiots.  Fuck you!

  213-737-1559  Los Angeles, CA - Hey, it has been 24 hours since we heard from...oh never mind.  Fuck you!

14 February 2022

  310-599-4895  Compton, CA - We have seen a similar number to this before, so we know it is a spoofed number from Compton.  Still, fuck you!

  310-827-5329  Los Angeles, CA - Another call from the Los Angeles area.  This one coming in about an hour after the first one.  It just happened that we checked out phone at 12:34, so we snapped a photo of the two numbers that were ignored. Fuck you!

  16 February 2022

  310-599-3217  Compton, CA - Boy, there must have been a good deal on these "Compton" numbers at the Telemarketer Depot.  Fuck you!

  816-358-6179  Kansas City, MO - Pattern breaker!  Fuck you!

18 February 2022

  323-794-0524  Los Angeles, CA - Yeah, another Spam Risk.  But, they left a message...a long message.  Robo messages usually start a few seconds after one picks up and says, 'hello'.  We have a long outgoing message, designed to cut off a robo message.  If you are human, you would have to wait until our intro ended before you can leave your full message. 

Typical "your vehicle warranty has expired" scam.  Classic.   If the company does not exist, do they still offer warranties on used cars?  Fuck you!

22 February 2022
  najscnder@gmail.com - Looks like we got another one of those 'job' offers,  This one from "Aqua water".  Is that like "The La Brea Tar"?


So many questions and comments.  How small is this 'small space'?  You know a lot of us are still working from home, so our daily route is from the bedroom to the home office.  Although that $650 a week sounds really good.  How do you know we even have a vehicle that would be suitable for advertising?

Why do you need our full name?  One would think you might want to know what kind of vehicle we drive...and how small.  What is my 'vehicle' of choice is a unicycle?  Would that work?  What if we have a really long name...and it is hyphenated?

Wait, hold on, this seems like it could be a scam.  Fuck you!

23 February 2022
  341-201-3495  Fremont, CA - It is times like this when we remember a great quote from The Rock.

"Who in the blue hell, are you?

We also remember a quote from us...fuck you!

27 February 2022
  818-895-0103  Los Angeles, CA - Well, this is interesting.  We got a voicemail with music, as if we were on hold.


Over 30 seconds of tunes before they disconnected the line.  So, telemarketers are cold calling people and making them wait to get scammed?  Fuck you!

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