03 October 2022


Fall is upon us, Halloween decorations are up...and the phone calls are coming within the house.

3 October 2022
  213-861-2957  Los Angeles, CA - First Monday of the month and we get our first call.  You know the drill.  Labeled as Spam Risk and intercepted by Call Protect.  Same old shit. Fuck you!

4 October 2022
   510-758-4542  El Sobrante, CA - We looked this number up.  As we suspected, this is a spoofed number...although, it could be a wrong number.  Highly doubtful. Fuck you!

11 October 2022
  410 200 505 -  These are some of our favourite texts.  So damn obvious, it borders hysterical.

Fuck you!

  978-775-6393  Andover, MA - Andover...like "he is flying over New York and over Massachusetts".  

Yeah, they left a robomessage, so that is your first red flag. Message regarding some prescription medication.  While we should probably be on something, we currently have no open prescriptions at any pharmacy. 

Anyway, we looked up this number and it comes back as a scam with various topics.  So, there you go.  Fuck you!

12 October 2022
  725-210-3185 - This message.  Why does every word start with a capital?  Is this a title of a book or movie?  


Instead of texting back "PICK", what if we replied with a dick pic? Fuck you!

  410-100-007 -   We have already gone over the  "410 area code" and these six-digit phone numbers.  The "reach us at" number traces back to Florida.  The number is also flagged on various sites as a known scam number.  This message is typical of scams.  

Your typical red flags are grammar and spelling.  Fuck you!

  410-100-008 - So, we just moving up one number at a time with this scam?


Fuck you!

16 October 2022
  571-408-9154  Arlington, VA - This is interesting.  Remember those robomessages a while back?  Yeah, okay...we get them all the time.  We are talking about the ones in various foreign languages.  Well, now we have multi-lingual texts.


We do not know any 'friends' in Virginia.  This, like many of texts like this came out of nowhere.  It is customary to introduce yourself in a new correspondence, like a "Hey Dean, this is Frank..."

Nope, these guys dive right in with no intro and expects us to 'hang out with them'.  Who is the robo-friend? Also, quite arrogant of you to assume that we can decipher your message.  If we are unable to understand your voicemails, what makes you think we can read this message.

Fuck you!

23 October 2022
 410-200-506 - Yeah, another one of those 410 numbers...you know, the ones with only 9-digits instead of the legit 10-digit number.


Whoa, hold up.  Did you say $100 at CVS?  How long is that receipt for $100 worth of items?  Fuck you!

27 October 2022
  410-100-009 - At least they make it easy with the 410 area code.  We can ignore these texts.

Wait, did you say "Oprah Secrets"...well shit, sign us up.  Fuck you!

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